Jake Karnak

@Charley One Eye:

I'm going to buck the trend here and say Evers eventually will go out with the nurse. I get the reasoning behind thinking she's the fiancee, but I don't buy it for a couple of reasons.

Just call me Mister Fair Shake, Quirk. I don't post on all the AV CLub threads, but when I do, I try to give an honest and at least semi-informed opinion. Unless we're in the Sex & the City II film thread; I talk about other hang-ups there (and merely hint at them elsewhere).

It's a B
I think this episode has a lot going for it. The pay-off plot, the murder mystery (even if it is a rote angle, it's done well enough), and the cop trying to get a date subplot were fine. I loved the Chinese fileclerk who gets called in to be a decoy, then translate (you might want to fix that in your review

I call B-, and also, shenanigans!!
Well, I loved the ending, like seemingly everyone else here. Anything that shocks the show out of its rut is a step towards something better, it seems. Still, I'm not really as sold on the episode as some of you.

@Smoot AW, go and flip yourself end over end on a bridge crossing the Charles River. And that's my extremely localized geek reference of the night.

An unmade reference
Well, I suppose it's too late to reference Max Headroom Whacketts? Oh well, I guess it's even more dated than Virtual Boy.

Warren Zevon!

Robin's Reckoning wins in a walk…

Adams then Breyfogle. B's art is on my t-shirt right now.

Have you been to Southie in 15 years? It's mostly Spanish speaking now. The remaining white people (and they've been a minority for at least a decade) are elderly people who either own their building, or have section 8 housing, or couldn't get out for some other reason. All the projects off Broadway/Carson

I'm going A- on this.
First of all, did anyone else watch the opening sequence and *NOT* think

I'm going B-. Here's why…
First, we actually HAD a patient of the week this week whose case was cared about. Second, they keep developing Martha's character in little dribs and drabs and I'm loving it. Third, I buy the Taub/Foreman pairing, and don't really see the Oscar/Felix parallel at all. I actually think

That IS an easy one…

The Gentleman's F?
Wow. I had no idea this two parter would get slammed quite this hard. I'm totally on board that Red Claw was lame (why couldn't they just use Talia al Ghul, was she not in the syllabus?) but I thought the Bruce/Selina and CW/BM scenes would put it in C range at least.


Hey! I mentioned Harding (corrupt presidential firsties?) and I put him squarely in the bottom 10% of Presidents, along with Nixon and GWB. Why does he get a pass, historically? Abruptly dying in office through a combination of overwork and coronary disease? I guess. It's sort of funny; had he lived to go a

Was Wilson worse than Nixon, GW Bush, or Warren G Harding? Nah. Corrupt for corruption's/paranoia's sake, all three of them. I'll take a guy who wants to keep our country out of trouble with a side of nobility over profiteers and war-mongers any day.

So it's a C-.
Huh. All kinds of navel gazing revolving around reviewing this week. Guess I'll weigh in on that first. Zack, if you really think you can't see the show as it is because of how you felt about the show as it was, then it's time to hand off the reviews to someone else. I'm not saying bad things

Yes, she's very very hot.
I think she does have talent too. I think Nick & Nora's definitely played to a certain age group and wouldn't be fun for everybody, but I loved it. And her Vlog is hysterical, as is her web page. Who know stacked young actresses were into pirates and The Walken that much?!