Jake Karnak

Only Dave Chang is Dave Chang.

Sorry if this double posts (my computer had a seizure) but if you wanted to see Miss Bello on TV post-nineties, look no further than Law & Order SVU where she had a recurring role as the junkie Mom who jumps a kid on M. Hargitay's character. Bet they had to work extra hard to deglam her to make her look awful.

If your library has the Essential Ellison (which has the weird painting of his face as a village on the cover) I'd start there. It's organized by topic and has chronological notes. It's also huge (like 2000 ish pages) so you can get a great bird's eye view of HE. If you'd like to try his non-fiction, The Glass Teat

Ralphie, his eye shot out.

I think Doom doesn't want to be a Universal Leader. First of all, the only reason he bothered to take over Latveria is that its corrupt baron tried to kill off his people. That regard for family plus a talent for actually running a nation state keeps him in politics, but I think he gets more out of mocking other

Well his mystic skills are the only ones he DOESN'T endlessly brag about. Probably because his Mom (who he is still hung up on) was a gypsy witch. That'd do it for me too, I think. But yeah, magic is the only place Victor soundly outclasses Reed Richards (well, that and ambition… and politics… and time travel) and

Oh you don't really want to do this do you? I mean, the chase where the cop's secured route erupts in flames and they STAY ON IT just for starters instead of stopping, turning off, or even turning around? That film?!

I'd believe you if the plotholes in the second Bat-film weren't so egregious or obvious. That's a terrible, terrible indicator.

Dr. Doom is the second most powerful sorcerer in Marvel Comics. He has beaten the devil himself using magic and cunning. I think that trumps a malevolent spirit only hundreds of years old, regardless of necromancy. And the Silver Surfer (who has beaten Mephisto) comes to mind now.

Two words:
Dr. Strange
two more words:
Dr. Doom

Anne Hathaway can crumple my zones anytime.

It's a B episode
First of all, can we all just admit Taub is the Job of House? He seems to suffer/be tormented in a new way every single episode. That's nutty.

The Stuff is a hilarious film. I saw it in the late 80's early 90's. There was a local horror movie show in Boston that dredged this kind of stuff up for fun. It's a ridiculous romp/send-up of 80's consumerism. Well worth seeking out.

Aw. No one should ever diss Grover.

The Grade Confuses Me…
Why isn't this an F, exactly? I know they're incredible rare on AV Club, but really, based on this review, why not? What kept in the "gentleman's F" category, is what I'd like to know.

I was hoping he was a Red Sox fan. That'd be hysterical, if only because prior to 04 the Sox/Cubs partnership in accursed misery was a nice uniting force. But that's just my take on it.

Or saw Swordfish…

I am perfectly okay with Amber T's prominence in this season, if only because she is still the only voice of dissent available. The other team members will do as told in 95% of situations, Cuddy is completely defanged at this point, and Wilson wasn't even in this episode. I love that the more House pushes Ms.

Richard Moll was all over this show, including the Bat computer and the occasional security guard. Some actors can change their voice just a little, and it's a totally different experience.

The most meta Superbowl XLV comment
I read through the comments, looking for the Ever Present Football Player Rapist, and there were no comments by him (yet?). Could it be he was too busy drowning his sorrows after losing the game to the Packers?