Jake Karnak

@ Hollyhox Nice clip choice. I am now laughing too hard to study. I just wish the clip had continued with him getting tossed out of places for being a spazz. But yeah, that's an awesome bit of parallel editing. Reminds me of the ridiculous fight in THEY LIVE. It just goes on and on, and eventually you have to

@ Bucky C. :
It's not an exaggeration of any kind. It's in Zevon's biography, with interviews/direct statements from everyone involved. Other than being wordloving song writers, WZ and JB didn't have any muscial thing in common, but JB believed in Warren way more than anyone ever did in the early years. The dude put

There are so many reasons I disagree with the above statement. SO F'ING MANY!

Hate to be the continui-nerd, but Superman is American. He was born here, as of the John Byrne reboot of the 80's. And even if that's been retconned, he'd be American by now, what with spending tons of time in the States as a boy and the country's relatively weak statute of limitations (being a law abiding

His Honey I Shrunk the Kids' Heads album was the psychadelic freak out of 1968!

It takes two, it takes two, me and you.

Gotta stick up for the Master's brat… she's the only dissenting ideology in House at present. Without her you have House and the Junior Houses, and that would make the rest of the case (except maybe Cuddy and Wilson) equally irrelevant. So she's the grit that makes the pearl, I think. And she supposed to be young

A trill-ing adventure!
Yeah, the Trill model for sentient lifeforms gets much more scrutiny in DS9. And even that series uses it as a cop out once or twice. Apparently the 2 sentient beings blend experience and talents, so each pairing in unique and symbiotic experience. And the experienced slugs are so revered on

Sorry, I never saw Caprica or BG. I remember the old show in reruns, and despite the buzz, never got into the 21st century one. And yeah, I love me some AT. There have been discussions about her more normal appearance compared to all the other female House characters. I dig her, tights, scrubs, or whatever.

What no Stone Cold?
Thank you reviewer for not mentioning that awful flick with Steve Austin.

The Spoiler? The lady who was so bad at being a vigilante she caused a gang war and got herself killed? That Steph Brown? Oy. I do so hope you're wrong, if only for the "my dad is a C list villain and I hate him" motivation that'd be sure to follow. As much as her angst and daddy issues would endear her to the

Truthfully, she could always go back to movies. And she was the lead on a cult TV show once. But yeah, poor AT just getting to be the heavy every episode. For the record, I like the Martha character, if only because she gets to say what the audience is thinking more than any of the established characters. That,

It's not apparent yet. The archer of Young Justice (the comic this series is based on) is Arrowette http://tinyurl.com/6gaq62e
, but the cartoon costume pictured was more like Speedy's (the second one, Green Arrow's ex-junkie HIV positive adopted daughter) who is more a Teen Titan http://tinyurl.com/6xzppeo

Is Martha the new Cameron?
Not for nothing, but does Martha have to be the defender of all philosophies not embraced by House every show? Couldn't we spread that around more, as in previous seasons?


Yeah, oddly enough the comics keep returning to Bruce's small time hood identity, Matched Malone. He's a neat and intentionally scuzzy character, but hobo-Bruce could be used for much more interesting stories, especially given the current economy.

So what would you call it?
A movie that starts as a comedy of manner, devolves into porn, and then becomes a revenge picture?

No bells as yet.

Ah ha. Found it. His name was Roger Haviland. I remember EH talking about killing the character off in an old interview because he got tired of writing for the series's one definitively bad apple (there was no arc to him). He was replaced by Ollie Weeks who is a lazy jerk, but an honest schlub cop.

There was a cop in the McBain 87th Precinct books who was corrupt and racist. Eventually he got thrown through a window and killed. He was eventually replaced by Fat Ollie Weeks who was fat and lazy and racist, but not corrupt. I can't remember his name. Dammit that's lame.