Jake Karnak

Um, I gotta agree with Can of Pineapple. AT's body is choice, yet she's the first woman cast member to not look like an underwear model or vampy office tramp (her character is supposed to be young & nerdy so I guess they are giving her less make-up and making her look more natural). When I found out she'd be on

Kat Dennings is a rising star, I think. I first noticed her in Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist (where she is both smart and super hot) and have kept half an eye out for her in other stuff ever since (The House Bunny). She is follow-able on twitter and has a cool website with pics of her in a pirate eyepatch. Why

I get that, but outside of Inception, when doesn't JGL look like someone in his late teens? Even 500 Days of Summer makes him loos like he shouldn't belong in a bar scene… and he was the lead! But JGL is also to good an actor (mature, poised, nuanced) to believably play the teenaged Jake. Ugh. It kills me.

Casting and other comments
1st: I'm really not understanding the Jon Hamm as Roland thing at all. The guy couldn't even pull off believable dickishness/toughness in The Town. I don't care how much you folks love Mad Men, but that means he can't be Roland. I vote Viggo then Bardem and agree that C. Owen can't do it

What was that?
There…. is a complete… hole!

What like Frequency? Or Diggstown? Or (ugh!) Angel Eyes?

So About A Boy - a guy lead + (a girl lead and a dead baby) = The Other Woman? Wow.

Batman did train Dick Grayson (when he was Robin) about guns and how to use/disable them. It's explicitly referenced in the Chuck Dixon Nightwing series. Dick says something like, "But you hate guns!" to which Batman replies, "But I don't fear them. There's a difference." So there's a range in the Batcave

Not to be confused with the intelligent, original, and fun Joe Hill story and new comic mini-series, The Cape. That's something far better than this apparently. Don't know Joe Hill's The Cape? Read 20th Century Ghosts or this: http://tinyurl.com/28mp54t

You know I'm going to have to say it…

He drives a Lincoln instead of keeping an office. It's in the trailer. Oddly enough, I thought the same thing when I saw the book on the shelves initially, before I saw the author's name. I love MC. His Harry Bosch novels are wonderful.

This is a cool point, and reminds me that in the tech driven Trek Universe, Guinan is the closest we come to a magic-wielding or shamanistic character (as opposed to a Godlike being or force of nature). And she's the bartender on the Federation flagship. In my head, it's so nutty that it works.

John Saxon was the antihero in Enter the Dragon.
Patrick Swayze was the antihero in Point Break (unless it's Busey/Pappas)
Enter the Dragon>Point Break in terms of ownage, though barely

The Kingston Trio would've loved their award, but they're still stuck on the MTA with Charlie…. they're the band who never returned!

alright, now I have to see this. I love the meta-cop dialogue just described, it's very Hot Fuzz!

@Internet Jerk
You have revealed my stealth firstie. I suppose I may now die in a firstie related fire. Yeah, I do think these podcasts are if not sloppily researched, then breezily broadcast.

Sadly, it has nothing to do with the Joe Hill story of the same name. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

M. Leo, also a fixture in the early seasons of Homicide: Life on the Street, is a great actress. And she always gets tapped for these strong women parts. She's one of those actors (Like William Hurt or Robert Duvall or Julianne Moore) whose presence in a project makes my need to see it jump like 10%.

I'm glad that the Lowell connection (NOT BOSTON!) was corrected in minute one of this broadcast. I would've had to throw a fit, or inject somebody with Canceraids.

I think I'm something like 6/15. I don't understand the love for Tangled and How to Train Your Dragon when Despicable Me was so much better.