Jake Karnak

You're incorrect on several fronts.
Quinn doesn't need to know Dex is the killer to ask for a lawyer. Quinn already knows that he was using Liddy to do something (watch Dex) that his superiors already suspended him for. So that'd be out of the bag, first of all. Second, if there were any evidence of the

This was a b-. It pales in comparison to other Dexter finales though
I'm of two minds about this whole season of Dexter. I liked that it was a much messier plot and we had a diminished version of Dexter due to the finale of the previous season. I think that emotional arc, along with Lumen's redemption and Deb's

Aw, Pshaw.
In my mind, and the minds of those who loved the A&E Nero Wolfe series, he'll always be Alger Cates. Boy, feuds between the NIA and the BPR got really ugly really fast, didn't they?

Two parties, so called…
First, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the Gremlins take over Dorry's Tavern in the original film. The amount of craziness in that brief scene would blow my mind and give me laughs for days if I survived.

Yeah. This still sucks. I still say we should mail him sandwiches, putting a PBnJ out on Terriers. I think it's a slightly more detailed ass covering, but still an ass covering. Homicide Life on the Street did dismal ratings against worse opponents (Monday Night Football?) but it still got another half season,

ugh. Screw the numbers… other shows have had horrid numbers, yet been really critically acclaimed and lasted much longer.

The problem with a specific item over and over is supply and demand. Where will we get tens of dozens of cute l'il doggies?

Gimme a C?
On the one hand, this was one slapdash episode. The number of plots that will never be resolved (and by that I mean any mystery that can be solved with evidence, not someone blurting out a confession) is ridiculously high. Everyone outside of the Quinn/Deb/Dex/Lumen/Jordan pentagram of doom is

Epoxy glue and staples….

I was totally going to go with, they let success go to their heads now they all haven't any… y'know.

I know it's a whole different vibe, but Leverage is a great goofy show. There are three new shows coming up starting 12/12.

The pic is obviously the Big Bad having sex with a child. You don't start a south of the border children's hospital to redeem yourself for having a love child- he's building a palce to assuage his guilt/create a place where he can reoffend. Classy of Terriers to only imply pedophilia and not drop it in the

A+ Mazing = Terriers Finale
Wow. Just Wow. This episode works equally well as a season and series finale. Between this and Fustercluck, if Terriers doesn't win a ton of awards for writing/performance than something is wrong with the world.

Well Flu Season, I happen to know that Cliffy is RZ's boytoy. He knows all about her method "acting". I should know, I'm Cliffy's pimp. She keeps asking for her money back…

@ Smacky the Frog:
1. Inspired Name Choice. I'd smack you.

Actually, the necklace thing makes perfect sense as written. Dex and Lumen are trying to eliminate all traces of Lumen/victim 13. Thirteen trophies in the banker douche's cigar box would make the cops rather curious, right? At the very least, it'd be an object for them to trace. And since Deb believes that a girl

Uh, for Pity's sake. I've owned/raised two Newfs in my lifetime. They're actually really low key animals in the house, if properly socialized and exercised. And I live in a suburb of Boston, MA… there are parks and beaches less than a quarter mile away in every cardinal direction save west. So, really, they are

Sure. Just send your soul in a properly self-addressed envelope to:
My House
mark it: Fragile, Contains Young Soul!

A solid B
Great action set pieces.
Excellent intros to the various cities/major players
Decent integration of each YJ member's powers to the problems of the episode

I would write up H:LotS for free if I got to be an AV CLub web-intern. I already own the whole set with the movie and all.