Jake Karnak

I can sell you a temperosptial claudication… it's a time pocket. It won't cost your soul, but you may end up folding my laundry over and over and over on a loop.

I want… stuff?
Yeah, so here goes
1. New job
2. New apartment with the girlfriend
3. Newfoundland puppy for the apartment

I don't know Butchie, instead.

An A? Really? Not undeserved though.
Wow. It was a great episode… and now there's a ton of chaos going into the finale. I have written my terse angry email to the network.

Oh yes, I do feel where you're coming from Hotrod…

Honestly, I thought that was one time per girl. So Chase bangs two and Foreman gets nada. The math doesn't work out any other way, unless Chase did something similar in another episode I don't recall.

The Hospital is now something else
You guys know they just finished rehabbing the building and subdivided it into condos right? They went on the market earlier this year.

He'll rip your lungs out, um, Jim.

Better than last week? NO!
Ugh. This episode was a muddled mess. I cared about the Wilson subplot. I knew how the House/Cuddy fight would end before the episode started, and I think the daughter/Dad relationship had less drama than last week's family dynamics. Yeah, don't care about Foreman or Chase, or Taub and

Southern Tier Pumpking Ale is my favorite seasonal brew all time. There are only a couple of places in the boston area that have it on tap in the fall, but I always go out… and then buy a bottle when the liquor stores get it. It's like drinking pumpkin pie. Mmmmmm pie.

So this show is trending Pabst its prime?

is solid genre moviemaking… if you want subtext, realism, or complex characterization rent… something else. There's something to be said for playing to a specific audience.

Gremlins is and may always be my favorite movie of all time. There are so many cool things in it… various seconds of the movie filled with a bazillion sight-gags (the visual equivalent of Airplane!'s dialogue) the earnest hero, and the pitch black humor make it awesome. The sequel is a romp for romp's sake, and hits

Someone way up there said Hook had great action set pieces and little else… I beg to differ. I think the whole Barry-verse is visually amazing in a way that only the Gene Wilder Charlie and the Chocolate Factory can touch. I think Julia Roberts as Tink is pretty cool. I LOVE Dustin Hoffman's performance as Hook.

I was hoping Leary would wow us as the Fabulous Frog-Man with pogo-coil action!

@ bill reed
Yep. I like all the other Earth Lanterns like a hundred times more than Hal. And Hal as a villain has lots of possibilities for growth and pathos, because all kinds of heroes I like have teamed up with him in the past. Now we got boring Tom Cruise with a power ring back…. LAME.

Huh? Really, those are your choices?
I wanted more Hal Jordan as Evil Parallax stories, because Hal (now reformed from genocidal evil) is still a boring douche. Of course the ret-con & HEAT made that impossible. Sigh.

The answer to the Carol Ferris/villain question is complicated. Right now (as of like 3 weeks ago) she was a hero, who had a ring as well, but not a green one. Previously, she'd been possessed and was a villain. But yeah, Blake Lively, really not the voice of maturity/restraint you'd want in this role.

She is absolutely gorgeous and yet not a skinny model twig, and hopefully will jazz the show up through conflict. Put her in scrubs every episode, and that's fine with me.

The first episode she was in street clothes. She was wearing pink scrubs most of this episode, which is equally odd/funny because no one else wore them. Also, unlike the other female cast members on this show (except Cuddy) she isn't built like a model. Tough not to notice that when she's wearing the medical