Jake Karnak

This is a toughie…
1.Amber Tamblyn in scrubs. Yes, she's the second roundest Sister of the Travelling Pants. Yes, I love that about her.

I just had a thought… Cole used the inter-suite (is that a word? It is now!) door to break into Lumen/Dexter's room. Not for nothing, but if I were interested in anyone's disappearance, it'd be Jordan's because the authorities will see that someone from Cole's room broke into a random room with no connection to

My money is on Lumen tipping to the PI, trying to kill him to preserve Dexter's freedom, failing, getting killed, and have Dex discover it all, then kill the PI. That'd be a neat little package and would write Lumen and the PI out of the show gracefully. We've never had anyone menace Dex for more than one season,

Another example
Duck amuck.

I'M Unstoppable!
Unfortunately, there was no Cain Marko in this movie. Otherwise it was boilerplate, with a few too many "risks" introduced late in the game (the fuel tanks the would-be derailed train would impact especially) and some OK conversations between Pine and Washington in the films lighter moments.

What's wrong with this episode
Jsut a bit too much overacting pre-revelation by M. Raymond-James. I kinda wish we would've gotten more in the room with the reporter, but oh well… still, keeping the dynamic duo worked for me… less stable and yet they both refrain from behaving badly. Well played, Terriers, well

Who said what?
I thought Britt talked to the molester/new hubbie guy about the tux… which they both knew he picked, and no one else (save Hank) did.

@Jorge Von Salsa

The first show
was cool but he didn't get cool enough first guests. I know I'm musically behind the curve, but the Glee/Jack White stuff did nothing for me. And while Conan can rock, I just think a bigger musical guest would've been better. Still, I'm glad the happy snark is still there and Andy seems to be fitting

I will comment on the photos. Kat Dennings has just replaced amber tamblyn as the girl I'd most like to ruin in a three way with America Ferrera. I have only met one of these girls, but I didn't botch it totally when I did.

Shout out to the Monster at the End of This Book AND its sequel. I took the original to show and tell when I was in like 2nd grade and read it aloud. I got a ton of laughs, despite not being able to do a Grover voice at all.

I love Grover… but he isn't my favorite Muppet. He's not even the most emotionally fragile Muppet, that'd be Telly. Telly should just get random hugs from all the other Sesame Street residents, to keep him from any dangerous behavior… but just so, you feel for him all the more.

I loved Born Standing Up… I am a compulsive bookstore browser, and I picked it up, 2 hours later I was late for work and had read all of it.

Here's my take…
I believe we should call people, both groups and individuals, by whatever name they want, within reason (See foot note #1).

If you want an Asian actor to do more than one emotion, yet be restrained and never overdo, BD Wong for the win!

Ugh, geek point of order, it was Billy Zane in The Phantom. Which costarred Christie Swanson, who was the female lead of The Chase… costarring… CHARLIE SHEEN!

If I'm Claude Raines… who knows when I arrive
does it mean I'm still here…..?

Oof. I had a huge list of anti-heroes to share and one gripe from the above (Tyrion Lannister? Really? NO!) but I gotta chime in here, I really do.

My grade? A-
As much as the official case didn't swerve all that much, especially in comparison to other Terriers episodes, I loved the tighter thematic play going on in this episode and I LOVED everything with Steph.

Of course they say it was a staph infection, but we true fans know better… it was the long-awaited revenge of the forgotten one…