Jake Karnak

past its peek? but, there's a toddler on the show… that requires the occasional Peek- A BOO!

The A-
This show is becoming my go to program for action wrapped in pathos. Loved this episode so much, so much strain placed on DL's character that he ought to break and he almost does. Nice work.

Terriers does indeed rock extra hard. I think Donal Logue (surely I am spelling that wrong) is finally proving his mettle as a serious actor and I couldn't be happier. And the guy who was Rene on Trueblood is surprisingly watchable.

Super Castlevania IV was great: one of the earliest games to use ALL the SNES's graphics power, and despite the occasional slowdown (that level with the spinning background like you're in a barrel) it was an amazing game that finally let players do the one thing we all wanted Simon Belmont to do that he previously did

the b+
How cool is it that House solves the case And STILL doesn't get what he wants! ROCKIN.

The Episode's Worst Actor…
was the brother. His monologue after the girl is found in the stairwell was risible.

Okay… I'm very very prone to dumb puns. This whole thread has given me a few chuckles already… comments follow:

funniest quasi-intentional misspelling ever!

Somebody bring that dude a pizza with bean sprouts. He's Sum Dum Goi!

That guy needs to finish Dance of Dragons STAT. It's like 2 years overdue. And you know the editors/publishers are up his ass to finish a book around the same time the cable miniseries is slated to air.

I will defend Uncle Buck… TO THE DEATH!

If we weren't taling about TMNT: Turtles In Time the Arcade (and later SNES game) we damn well should be. This was easily the best arcade fighter port to that system that didn't involve Ken or Ryu, was a blast to play with a teammate in adventure mode, had a ton of graphic easter eggs, and very fun intuitive controls.

It's Phooey when Cramer or Archie says it, but Pfui when Nero says it in the books. Great Actor… great work. I'll miss him

Click features the Walken… worth watching for that alone.

Not my lunch money! True story, my first week in junior high, I needed stitches twice. Neither time was it a) my fault or b) an accident. Feel free to read into that.

I'm sure it's not too bad, what with hot water included…

The Apatow movies are all condensed Pg-13 to R rated versions of a ton of late nineties sitcoms where the husband is a sweet dumb working schlub and the wife is hot and smart and somehow puts up with him… see King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, even Tool Time use that same odd male fantasy pairing.

I would flat-out LOVE to see Astro City come alive on the big screen. I am cautiously optimistic, if only because KB has been so absolutely hardcore about the quality of the stories he himself is writing (not trying it during his long illness, writing only the best and most pertinent parts of a

What is "The Whimper of Whipped Dogs?"

Speaking of Jersey… where's Billy Joel's Miami 2017? Anything that postulates the end of NYC…