Jake Karnak

While Excitable BOy fits the the category okay, other WZ songs do it MUCH BETTER. Which ones? I'm glad you asked…
Life'll Kill Ya
Charlie's Medicine
My Sh*t's F*cked Up

Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?

You guys realize that the Clone Line (sending them in, whatnot) was also used in one of the workst sci-fi movies of the period, Judge Dredd. It's the one sci-fi bit they stole from a reputable source.

And unfortunately, one of 7 of 's, fo rwhen you inevitably can't "last as long as a machine…"

Oh Jesus, oh man, my sides hurt from the laughing…

It is "cheese & grits". Uh, I know that Paquin dyes her hair for the role, but did the back-up dancers have to have the most obnoxious yellow wigs possible? Really?


Oh jesus. I'm still trying to figure out if Turbo Teen influenced Ranma or the other way around. Central AC has never been so important.


Good Old Days still makes me laugh like hell. As does Warren Zevon's Excitable Boy. Something about the juxtaposition of awful creepy lyrics and bouncing happy melody just makes my inner nerd go BING!

What the Hell?
Warren Zevon's Splendid Isolation NEEDS to be on this list.

My take on all this
Yes, I am a supergeek- I even reviewed comics on 411mania for a while. And I have like a billion comments on these comments. And now, thanks to the only worthwhile new widget in Windows 7 (SNAP!) I can respond to them, in order, without going crazy with the back and forth on my windows!
@ c.c

Nice, Bruce Dern, Nice.

Can't we have a movie of the week (or a Law & Order episode, since they've been the same thing for years now) where the stars of an annoying reality TV show are killed one at a time by a demented yet brilliant serial killer?

Oliver Platt: "Uh, HONEY ROY PALMER!!!"
Hick: "Who? I ain't never heard of no Honey Roy Palmer…"
OP: "You never heard of him because he never got his shot… but Honey Roy Palmer is the most underrated boxer of modern times."

House + Cuddy=
hairpulling… both with each other and with all the viewers who have been in actual functional give and take relationships.

But still, I think, taller than H.E.

Oh come now… My Mom at least is at least 10x more aggravating than LOST…. and she doesn't need to be microanalyzed by a skidillion bloggers on a weekly basis.

oH ThAt'S HORRible….

True enough. I guess that's why they're subplots. Although given TNT and USA's love of showing episodes out of order, it is probably a good idea that things get re-mentioned (even though they don't always).