Jake Karnak

I can't speak to L&O CI, but SVU certainly does, Detective Stabler's wife and kids recurr, for one thing, and events of past episodes are mentioned and influence newer cases.

There IS some continuty with the subplots revolving around the lead detectives/attorneys. I can name at least three spoilerific examples, and will go with the most innocuous… Lt. Van Buren's illness in the previous and current season progresses/gets treated.

Neither fly nor funny.


Well at least there's a little oversight…. even if the Brightest Day post is still wrong.

Yes, Gads. The paragraphs in question just sort of seemed like shoddy proofreading/badly sourced for fact, and I wanted to express dismay and a little disappoinment without seeming too harsh, hoping they'd correct the article.

Brightest Day/The Flash/The Twelve : evlewT ehT/hsalF ehT/yaD tsethgirB
I hate to be continuity boy, really, I do, but… The Flash's (Barry Allen) return from the dead had nothing to do with Blackest Night/Brightest Day. He wasn't resurrected in it. His arch-enemy, The Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne) was.

Oh man. I LOVE WZ. This is the best list ever… cleverly done, and even the right "people" are picked.

"What'chew doin' Friday night, 'cuz your silhouette is kickin'!"

Or even attacked by monsters. Or is it attached *to* monsters?

X-Factor #87. That was one hell of a comic. Great art, neat device, great dialogue, and Val getting attached by monsters at the end. What's not to love?

FuriousGiorge: The Long Halloween and its sequels, from a plot and character standpoint, are complete crap. I'm a huge Bat-fan and a mystery buff and those maxi-stories by Loeb and Sale gall the heck out of me. They assume (as did The Dark Knight film) that the cops are ubermorons who can be outfoxed like

Sal Buscema and John Romita
Two of the best artists marvel has ever had, one dark and one light hearted. Neither mentioned. Lame. This list is kinda squidgy, I agree with whoever said Miller should be on it.

Backfire: I agree that Wall-E shifts dramatically in tone once he gets off Earth, but his reaction to both humans and other machines makes the second half work just as well in my opinion. It shifts from silent picture to screwball comedy, and I like both.

(Fakes a John Wayne accent) "Watch Collateral and say that, pardner."

Backfire, what mood altering substance have you mainlined the last few years? I can see not liking Cars, it's a gaudy remake of Doc Hollywood with bad voice casting (except Paul Newman). And Ratatouille isn't the easiest story to relate to, since the human protagonist is a total dweeb and its stars are four-footed

hey snipe hunter,
How'd you like the recent remake of Last House on the Left?

Scream Bakula Scream?

Personal use catchphrase:
"Cuba." For use whenever someone asks where something you don't know the location of is.

A Cabin Boy reference, a reference to a track off of Life'll Kill Ya, and copious copious Carlin love.