Jake Karnak

Dax Shepard was in Zathura and Employee of the Month and Idiocracy.

I think you're half right, JaNtLT, in that there's talking DURING a movie (people discussing the film and occasionally other stuff with each other) and talking AT the movie (people yelling at the screen, like they were IN the movie). This was totally the latter. Admittedly, it does happen more in horror movies, but

I saw Taken. Good mindless popcorn action flick, the kind that Arnold & Stallone used to make (like Demolition Man or Kindergarten Cop without the sci-fi or comedy respectively).

Ugh. I work in the movie theater business. I did endure this film's debut in an urban setting. When I say the audience was 98% non-white and 65% female, I'm being conservative. And the last ten minutes involve a catfight that got talked over repeatedly in the 7 shows we sold out on Friday.

And here I thought life was just a series of pyramids that I needed to hop diagonally upon, while avoiding all non-green colored objects and occasionally teleporting to the top to avoid purple cobras.

Let's no forget that Mr. Zane is in at least 2 of the Back to the Future movies, as henchmen of young Biff and of older rich alter-Biff.

What? Huh? Waterguns full of hot sauce?
Hey there,
Another cool interview, with an actor who doesn't get enough mainstream credit. Two glaring omissions: Spenser (the TV movies of the books are good) and a certain DJ from Airheads.

So that's where the missing vagisil went to. Now it all makes sense.

He played a homeless guy on Laroquette and a thug (with no lines) in the movie there.

Yup. But he also did some great TV work (stealing a couple episodes of the John Laroquette show, for example).

That too. I agree they picked a really weak Mos Def movie.

I disagree on Illusionist versus Prestige.

Mos Def?
You mention Mos Def!

Both of your caps locked comments would make excellent band names.

Yes to Harry Bosch. In-freakin'-deed.

Ian Rankin's Inspector John Rebus.


I read the Rothfuss book this winter, and liked all but the final quarter of the thing. Total anti-climax. I do however, hate that the fifth George R. R. Martin book is over a year late. That's killing me.

C v G,
Jack Ryder is straight as they come. He's terrible at relationships, but he's never been attracted to anything but women. The Creeper (which, depending on the continuity observed, is either a whole separate person or an alternate personality with Jack's accrued knowledge) is so far off the deep end

Quorin Halfhand?