Jake Karnak


Ferromagnetic irony?

On Sesame Street, anyway.

Firstie…. good.

I am so not thinking of Bil Nighy (Also the Vampire leader in at east two of the Underworld films and the washed up rock star in Love, Actually). At least I wasn't until someone mentioned octopus on the head.

"The line must be drawn, He-ah!"


While totally obsessed with Thora Birch, I don't talk during movies, unless prompted to by a louder asshole in the theater.

Meyer Meyer from Ed McBain's 87th Precinct books?

That was fan, singular, for a reason. Figure 1 guy in America was so high when he saw LG that HE thought it was funny.

Die in an ironic and totally hilarious way, hilarious that is except to you in your last moments and your loved ones when they find out.

I am occasionally a cool person. I will get to see the movie Wednesday night in Boston. If the caffeine and inspiration hold out, I may have a blog post review up on Thursday, about 18 hours or so before the midnight shows.

I am occasionally a cool person. I will get to see the movie Wednesday night in Boston. If the caffeine and inspiration hold out, I may have a blog post review up on Thursday, about 18 hours or so before the midnight shows.

What? Huh?
Where is internet eating sensation Dave Chang? He ought to be here somewhere… maybe just feeding the girly food to a female AV staffer?

Ugh. Reposting this.

Ugh. Whoever said Long Halloween was a god Bat-story should be beaten (with a Joker fish?) because it's a terrible mystery (the kind where those who wrote insist it's solvable and then don't play fair with the reader) and it has a bunch of really, really dumb cops. The fact that the entire GCPD were as dumb as mud

I rewatched Dave with two people who had never seen it before. A good time was had by all.

Shouldn't the "guy who points out obvious things on the internet" have said that?

Big Legs, Tight Skirt- or alternately, Dimples.

It was definitely an N word…