
A Strategy Guide For Mega Man?!?!?!?!?!
I'm going to have to listen to the Hodgeman podcast tomorrow and follow up, but as of right now I'm having a hard time figuring out how a Strategy Guide for Mega Man would even be helpful. What kind of advice could it possibly give?

And some black dudes picked up a gun.

Watched the ep "steroids to heaven", pretty standard after school special stuff and not particularly funny. I distinctly remember a drug episode where Robbie turns to the camera at the end and urges kids not to do drugs so they can stop doing those kinds of episodes, but sadly there wasn't even a hint of that kind

I lost all focus once you mentioned it and I'm not off to go watch clips on youtube. I shall return to finish the article at a later date.

The best Thor stories generally have little to do with him being a traditional American 'superhero.' He's at his best arguing with the other gods in Asgard and fighting Frost Giants and other weird Cosmic type-threats.

I think it's most likely that we, as a public, are just used to seeing what she looked like coming off of Black Swan. And, let's be honest, she looked painfully skinny.

Yeah, it was cute at first, but let's just let Journey go, okay?


I'm not going to lie
I don't really lament the loss of this particular sub-genre.

Wheras someone like McNair is more comparable to Brett Favre, while Cam Newton(and Jake Locker, for that matter) remind me of Heath Shuler.

Yeah, that shit drives me crazy.

Who Cares?
Someone needs to get Attack the Block release stateside ASAP.


"Biggest Heel"
Kinda awesome that wrestling/carny talk has become instantly understandable to the general public*.

<——-Seriously confused
I thought this was one of the dumbest and least funny South Park episodes I can remember. I laughed at 'The Geniuses' and that was it. Everything else just seemed lazy and obvious.

Just want to chime in and add my voice to those who stuck through the rough beginning and found the last 20-30 minutes of the podcast to be really good.

I miss officer Dave. =(



Uuuuuuhhh, Ric Flair still sounds the same?