Only if Steve Austin and/or The Undertaker are involved.
Only if Steve Austin and/or The Undertaker are involved.
Opposable Thumbs, seriously,
Samurai Shodown>UR favorite fighting game.
I tried to re-read Sphere a couple years ago, and yeah……….just let it go.
Not that The Beatles need any defending, but I feel like one of the things that defined them as a band was that everything from Rubber Soul through Abbey Road(or Let it Be depending on how you want to read the timeline) played as an album as opposed to a couple of singles surrounded by a bunch of filler.
I have no idea what the term means in the context of comic strips and/or comedy, but in music terms a 'tag' is the name for that thing musicians do where they hold one note for a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyylong time at the end of a live song to milk…
I feel about REM the same way I feel about The Rolling Stones.
I think the thing that Dahl had going for him is that he wasn't really writing for kids. Sure, it was appropriate for kids, but he was really getting at the parents through the back door.
When I was 9 years old my Dad took my brother and I to see Ric Flair and Rickey Steamboat wrestle for the NWA title in Nashville. It was all downhill from there.
Good call. I also used to love Lloyd Alexander's Prydain books as a kid, but I'm sure there's not way they were as wonderous as I remember them to be.
Sure it is, you just can't tell because you did way too much Meth.
Please, Monkey Torture is always funny.
I had to think about this one.
My first instinct was The Smashing Pumpkins, which I was ridiculously obsessed with as a teenager. I bought the singles, T-shirts, Posters, and any bootlegs I could convince the burn-out at the local small town record store to find for me. However, I still think history is going to end…
No, Calvin and Hobbes actually improves as you age. It's actually a meditation on middle aged entropy disguised as a strip about a kid and his stuffed tiger.
I could never watch Secret of NIHM as a kid because it scared the bajeezus out of me.
Totes worded that badly.
Point B
The bits about NBC erasing/not keeping the tapes of the old shows reminds me of how Terry Gilliam rescued the Monty Python tapes from being erased/taped over by the BBC. I have no idea if this was common knowledge before that IFC Monty Python documentary first aired or not but it used to be policy for the BBC…
Point A
It strikes me that a lot of the things attributed to Carson as reason for his success, the easy banter with guests, the laid back atmosphere of the show, the delivery making up for lousy jokes, are things that could be attributed to Craig Ferguson's Late Late show now. I realize that Letterman blew up the…