
I'd never seen this how before.
I've been watching it via IFC, we just finished the two-part Samm Levine Cameo, but so far I've been really underwhelmed. When it's 'on' it's funny as hell, but it's incredibly uneven, not just from episode to episode but from scene to scene, that I never know what the hell I'm going

FB for the Eagles, right?

You must have missed Lethal Weapon 5.

I thought I was the only one who threw rocks at trains.

Casa Bonita!!!!!

Either way, very excited for the write up.

I'm excited for the F&G love, but I am a little confused at the episode choice. I realize it wasn't chosen because it was the 'best' or anything, but other than having cameos by Kevin Corrigan and Jason Schwartzman I'm having trouble thinking of anything that makes it stand out from the rest of the series.

I'm kind of shocked that no one has mentioned that Flea and Dave Navarro play on 'You Oughta Know.'

Uhhhh……ignoring Rollins himself, the musical side of Rollins Band(especially the later incarnations) have more in common with late 70's prog rock like Rush or King Crimson than anything resembling Nu Metal.

The second President's record is another underrated gem. 'Lunatic to Love' and 'Puffy Little Shoes' in particular.

RE:Israel's song, just searched out the youtube clip for that stinker too. It's a pretty blatant rip-off of 'Outshined.' And WTF is up with that snare?!?!?!

Brighten the Corners has 'Embassy Row', 'We are Underused', and 'Starling in the Slipstream' on it. In fact, the entire 2nd half of that record is nearly flawless. I think people get sidetracked by the shitty Spiral Stairs song on the first side.

I fleetingly new the daughter of a dude who played drums in some capacity for Steve Miller. It was never made clear if this was in a band, as a studio musician, whatever.

I hadn't even thought about Silverchair since the late 90's, so I thought I'd pop on over to youtube and re-check out 'Tomorrow.'

Also, it's worth pointing out that between classes and practice these guys don't have the time to go out and get a part time job like other students, so they end up living on a truly miniscule amount of money while at school.

This Season
Needed more Robocop and less Eli Stone.

I think Wallace would be the laptop Newton threw out of his dorm window at Auburn.

The argument is that they should go to college for the education and that they don't need to get paid as a result. Which is bullshit, but there ya go.

I think most Cubs' fans feel bad about what happened to Bartman, but at the time it was just insane how much everyone, myself included, directed at the poor guy.

The FBI is involved because Bobby Lowder, President of the Board of Trustees at Auburn since '88, was also on the Board of Colonial Bank, which was taken over by the Govt during the Mortgage Crisis. After learning what a slimy fuck this guy is the FBI wiretapped his home/office/etc, and while investigating this guy