The Triplets
I heard them.
The Triplets
I heard them.
The Venture Bros. got you covered.
Rewatch the last scene
Except this time, focus solely on Julia while she dances. That is awesomely, hilariously, terrible dancing. We rewound it 3 times, it never got old.
Also does a great cover of this song.
Nope, you aren't alone, although it's possible that both of us would be better off if we didn't.
How Many Bullets are in the Gun?
I don't want to diminish the prospect of East Coast Bias, because I think it does exist to some extent, but c'mon, all the West Coast teams are awful this year.
It was a hallucination, if that helps.
Oh, and Bones gets good ratings, right? It's still around so SOMEONE must be watching it. That would be a good one to watch, it's refreshingly lighthearted for a show that regularly features rotting corpses. The X-Files homage episode they did was fantastic.
I was just getting ready write almost the exact same thing.
Nick, Queens of the Stone Age would disagree with you on the fuzz tone part, but the rest is spot on. Modern drum recording techniques make me want to cry, especially the cymbals.
Next time you 'try' to listen to Pet Sounds don't listen so closely. Put it on while you're doing housework and see if it sinks in better when you're not trying so hard to appreciate it.
They Might Be Giants pretty much invented the genre.
Destruction by Definition by The Suicide Machines and Rancid's And Out Come the Wolves are the high points of the whole mid 90's Ska thing. Everything else, including most of the other stuff by those bands, is super dated.
Matt and Kim are like the hipster version of The Wiggles. Adults should be ashamed of themselves for liking this shit.
*Fingers Crossed*
Super Late to the Party
Didn't watch this until tonight, but man, that was hard to watch. As a palate cleanser I decided to pop over to youtube and listen to the music from the movie, and it suddenly struck me that there was a way to do this episode, not change much, and still redeem it. Unfortunately, it would…
Song 2
Wasn't a Top 40 hit?
Gave him 'This Machine'* and a ton of Ammo.
Forever Young
Maybe I'm misremembering, but I recall them using Forever Young before every episode last season.