The Verve Pipe was the worstest.
The Verve Pipe was the worstest.
Please, continue…
Which city?
Myrtle Beach, SC or Panama City Beach, FL?
You missed.
Seriously, records like this need to exist, regardless of how 'heavy' they may or not be. This is something a 15 year old can slip past his strict parents, and then spend an afternoon listening to after getting stoned out of his mind while they're out for the weekend.
The vomit scene from Team America is a good one.
That is all.
Blur's 13
There was some dark shit going on in Damon Albarn's head when that record was recorded.
No, but few Americans do either.
Yes, Nanny.
I wanted to clarify that I have nothing against Krakowski, or even the character in general, but it seems like she has a huge role in every single episode. I get it, Jenna is narcissistic, self centered, and willing to go to ridiculous lengths to further her career, but focusing a plot line on that in most episodes…
I've found that my enjoyment of 30 Rock is inversely proportional to the amount of screen time that Jenna gets. There are tons of great characters on this show that could use fleshing out, why not spend some time on them for a change?
gawl-darnit sassafrassin' piano!
Just looked it up, it was Rocky and Mugsy.
They were the 30's-era gangster cartoons. I think the little one was named Bugsy, don't remember the big guys name. Probably tiny.
That was an enormous Bong.
I want to go hang out and smoke weed with Ricky's poker buddies.
the freshman-verve pipe
Seven Mary Three-Cumbersome
PS:Skeletonwitch are AWESOME.