
*Tyrion says stuff backwards, dances*

Personal trainers hate him, and so does Bill Russell!

Rebounds-steals-blocks triple-double! Cube is a defensive powerhouse!

Hey, he could be using steals to complete the triple-double.

Just punch the elderly door-greeter. Has the exact same effect.

When I smell a culture, I reach for my revolver.

Tetris: War & Piece

Firm marketing! I want some of that sweet, sweet Morgan-on-Walmart action.

Twombly/Iqbal all around!

Hey, let's peek at the docket on PACER. Dist of NJ Case No. 3:14-cv-04388.
Nope, no Rule 12 motions in there. But you wouldn't see one in the case like this; it's just straightforward negligence and the court certainly has jurisdiction.

Most awkward bris ever.


"a for-profit company to create a website for sharing humorous content"
So like a direct competitor to the A.V. Club? Hey, let's all comment there instead!

Are you proposing to recast Scotty with the hologram of Tupac Shakur? Because YES!

Django Uncompiled

The wacky neighbor is DB Cooper!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Legend of Jabba's Gold

3oondock Saints


I hope the poor guy at least made it to the pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is the best.