
Sava is almost never ever on point about anything ever.

He still doesn't understand why people think he fucked Dave two decades ago so why would he get the Conan thing?

Should have ended after season 3 or season 6

Should have ended after season 3 or season 6

alternate gratuitous sex rating.

alternate gratuitous sex rating.

This is directly from the "Through The Looking Glass" transcript.
[At the beach, Ryan and Tom argue as they walk]

"The Others have tried to kill the candidates many times before. Specifically, when Ben ordered Tom and the others to shoot Sayid, Jin, and Bernard."
Are we sure about that? I'm pretty sure, at least in that case, that was just Ben trying to psych out Jack and that's why they faked shooting Jin and the rest. I think I

Pick a Mel Gibson character!
The guy plays Mad motherfucking Max, Martin Riggs, Porter in Payback, and gets his balls cut off in Braveheart.

By the way, crazy fucking cunt that Stahl may be, I just didn't want such a worthy adversary (I do believe she is that at least) to be taken down by such a cheap irish punk was the only reason I found myself pulling for her for a second. It almost didn't seem right some how. Man did they ever make me pay for that

Fucking Awesome baby!
Frustrating as some of it might have been (I'd have liked to have seen a bit more payback) it's exactly what I'd expect from a former Shield writer. After all we really aren't supposed to love these guys too much. Hell, I was even rooting for Stahl for a minute and then hated myself for it ten

"the Guillermo revelation felt a little cheap - can't Nancy have anyone she can rely on?)"
Cheap? Who didn't see that coming?

Somewhere along the way this show got pretty close to great!
I expect that now that the battle lines have begun to be drawn that next season should continue to get even better and it should be one hell of a ride. I'm sure Opie will definitely have Jax's back and I don't think it would take much convincing for

Ronnie The Badass!
I don't think he's completely screwed. I think there's plenty of plausible deniability there. Man, this guy was an absolute afterthought for seasons and now is the best character on the show. Has that ever happened before?
I've always had love for Vic. He's not always right but I've always liked

The Noose Tightens
Has any show ever done that better?
Don't sleep on how Aceveda will play in to the ending.
Go Ronnie Go!!! I can't think of a time when such a small character has grown into someone so badass and, kinda great.

Line Of The Night
"Another Mexican donkey show and Aceveda had me playing the reluctant virgin."
Whata great fucking ep. The last couple of weeks this show has begun hitting on all cylinders for the first time this season and when it is really clicking it is as good as anything on TV!

I've obviously already had at least a couple.

I'm glad you are finally covering this! It ain't exactly great yet but still has a lot of potential and I dig it a lot! I haven't watched this ep yet but after reading this am off to enjoy it with a couple of shots of Jameson.

Guilty Pleasure
The first two seasons were really good but really weren't great so I'm not all offended that it has kinda dropped off the last couple of years. They really should have thrown in the towel at the end of last season but they didn't. I think it still works as a 25 minute guilty pleasure, which is all I

Lena Headey naked and wet again!
And the problem with that is?