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    I think they already know that you don't have to be bitten to turn into a zombie. Nick's drug dealer wasn't bitten; Nick killed him, right?

    I liked a lot of these movies, but damn, this list is so white.

    I'm a little confused. I thought everyone thought Mama Pope killed Jerry (albeit incorrectly)? So, why are Fitz and Mellie talking about how it isn't "a random act of nature?" I thought everyone knew it was a murder? Or maybe Fitz knew but not Mellie?

    I rarely comment but I read your reviews religiously for many shows, including Teen Wolf. Yes, this is a ridiculous show. Yes, it's had its ups and downs. But there's nothing on like it in television right now, and Phil was AWFUL and a stain on this site's otherwise solid suite of critical reviews. LaToya actually