
Just don't ask to see this clown's signature trick.

The only relatives I have are my parents. I have text messages full of whatever reprehensible thing Trump has done followed by "Fuck this guy." So, I have a different experience with my folks

If General Sherman had just gone a little further South… excuse me, I see an ominous glow and pitchforks in the distance.

Drop your pants and pantomime into this cup.

Don't worry, I don't like people because I'm a salty little curmudgeon that likes to just tilt at windmills.

Dr. Marvin Monroe is a modern Schrödinger's Cat. I don't know if he's living or dead and it freaks me out.

Oh man, this thing is real. I thought it was some weird South Park joke.

Use your AP Style AV Club. This would be a White Nationalist shock jock, not an Alt-Right shock jock. Gawd people. We need to properly identify the assholes in our society.

Per word.

Yeah, but we are only 1.5 billion global box office excited. It's not like this is Avatar or Star Wars.

Hey, we still have several square states where we could send these Nazis and hold them in with an electrified fence.

Good, you got this one. I don't think I could rise to the occasion.

Taking down the statue will be quite sufficient Dude. No need to murder Ray Lewis.

Tomato, slightly more racist tomahto.

The "Alt-Left"… coming to give you socialized medicine, condemn Nazis, and protect your civil rights. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

David Duke just thanked him. You can't make this shit up.

Trump is back to blaming "both sides" and whatever the hell the "Alt-Left" is again. So, fun?!

My fear isn't the competence of Mueller and his team. My fear is that Congress and the Justice Department will not act on the information. Also somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-60 million registered voters may actually shrug at the information and thank God that Hillary is not in office like Mitch McConnell.

Well, Trump is trying to start a nuclear war with North Korea while on vacation, he refuses to actually condemn Nazis, even if the physical words slither out of his mouth, and now the Fourth Amendment might mean jack shit. Forgive me if I hope they do not stay for the third act.

Sounds about right. He was the Law West of the Pecos. If I recall, he was the one who said that homicide was killing a man, but there was no law against killing a "Chinaman."