
I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for letting us know.

State owned/ sponsored media. Not disturbing at all. I know it is just Fox News with fewer steps, but still.

Segregation through the lens of the United States generally means black/ white. In England that can mean along any ethnic line in communities. England did not have the problems of the US, but segregation did exist from what I have read. I do not know how people of other ethnicities were treated in England's armed

It's more economic than legal. It's a subject I read about frequently as it pertains to housing and urban development policies. There are some interesting articles out there about how European nations and England, even today, are increasingly being divided along racial lines especially in residential areas. I am

England was pretty segregated at that time, so I honestly don't know. I'm not all that familiar with how this boiled over to their armed forces.

He's just jealous of Cherlene. It's an exciting time for her.

I thought Luke Skywalker was Battlestar Galactica.

I like Jar Jar Binks more than Luke Skywalker…

"I'm like King Midas in reverse. Everything I touch turns to shit." - Tony Soprano and also Trump

Wow, Trump gave you a seven month erection. You may want to consult a doctor.

"Trump Positive" - Is that like being HIV positive? It may not be a death sentence, but it is still going to kill and destroy a lot of lives.

If you have any sway over the Dodgers, tell them to be gentle with the D'Backs when they have their way with us.

I need a Venn Diagram to confirm the overlap.

South Park reference, but I like the way you think.

It was just too fraking expensive. They could of had Adama fight a Gorn. That should have been reasonably cost effective and episodic.

In The Hobbit.

Coles Ice Cream just solved global warming. Quick, replace the permafrost and Antarctic glaciers with gooey ice cream sandwiches. That shit won't ever melt.

The answer to that question is horrifying.

The origins of employer provided healthcare is interesting. The IRS helped spread it by making the healthcare based fringe benefit tax exempt. Some politicians have proposed taxing employer contributions to healthcare as ordinary income, but it has never gained much traction.

I don't know how much of our infrastructure we would leave in place. The most likely universal healthcare scenario involves keeping the private insurers and mandating a basic plan for coverage. I would prefer Medicare for all, but that is probably a pipe dream.