Nine years until the fake Pickle can vote. What am I saying, Pickle is a republican. Go ahead and vote you little scamp. Just stay away from those Russian lawyers, they're bad eggs. I may or may not have had a few too many beers.
Nine years until the fake Pickle can vote. What am I saying, Pickle is a republican. Go ahead and vote you little scamp. Just stay away from those Russian lawyers, they're bad eggs. I may or may not have had a few too many beers.
Don't know what this is, but they are voting on taking it out of the healthcare bill right now.
Remember when strapping your dog to the top of your car killed your presidential aspirations?
Mooch was thinking of Pickle.
Check with your Sessions for mandatory minimum laws in your area.
I blame Patrick Duffy and Suzanne Somers.
There is an article on CNN that the Drudge Report is firing a warning shot at Trump by posting negative stories about his administration. The story argued that if negative stories start piercing that media bubble with regularity, it might be the end. Don't know if it's accurate or not, but the argument seems sound.
I'll just watch reruns of That's My Bush. Mocking that buffoon was fun. Trump is just horrifying on another level.
The republican debates already covered this pickle issue. But only after Ben Carson dropped out.
This administration's idea of education reform is eliminating public schools, so be careful what you wish for Teach.
I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, and this magazine, and this chair… that's all I need.
Never go back.
That's better.
No, no, no. Emoji not emoticon.
Endings suck anyway. It's all those moments in the middle that are fun. Like watching good movies with loved ones.
I hear it was smothered in duck sauce making him nuttier than Chinese chicken salad.
I would list them thuslyfor the big budget movie Batmans:
Real men wear a fedora to prove they are evil.
If the art doesn't have soup cans in it, what's the point?
I never branched out from the music my parents listened to. When I asked if I could get a Ray Charles, Rolling Stones, or Eagles tape for my Walkman, my parents were more than happy to comply. I still have a record player for the old records they gave me.