Floggy Bottom

That waterfall slope always bugged me, it was clearly an artificial set of steps on the set.

I guess it's slopiness that jumped out at me. Like dropping the significance of the sick Triceratops. Explaining what invoking the lysene contingency means. And of course (as great as the sequence is), the spacial confusion of the "magic wall" in the Trex paddock.

I enjoy his interviews for the most part, except that horrible "in the sense that" tic.

"Deeeeeeead honkey!"

I happened to re-watch JP a few days ago with my 10yo (in prep of him going to see J World). Aside from the wonderfully realized dino sequences, I find the movie has aged horribly. The conversation scenes discussing morality ("ah..find a way", lunch, ice cream) are still my favorite parts of the film. But the rest is

*.* > "Maxwell". All day. Any day.

It astounds me *nine* AVC editors agree that Hey Jude is unskippable.

Speak for your own damn self. I thought it was a wonderful se(ries)ason finale.

The people endlessly pining for Sal to return all these years were as unsufferable as the Manson/Window falling/DB Cooper truthers. Batt is right, his departure was as it should be.

I used to love reading Cinefex magazine, when it was mostly all practical effects and makeup. It's really boring now, since every article is basically "they made a cgi model".

This is some next level Lee Strasberg Method acting.

I'll take SWORDS for $200, Trebek.


"basically predicted" should be a new variant of Betteridge's Law, whereby "basically" means "not at all".

Well aren't you just the coolest kid in school.

"52 frames"? I'm guessing you meant 52 shots. Sort of an important distinction, especially when discussing animation.

Who doesnt like stamps?

The game is afoot, Trebek.

C'mon, "Saaaaaave the clock that's installed within the pediment of the courthouse!" doesn't work for you?

This song kicking in again on "..that's the power of love" when Jennifer kisses Marty is a wonderfully edited musical callback.