The Alf Pog Collector

Jon, I heard that you are doing a new TV series called Jon Glaser Loves Gears

is Donald Trump misunderstood? or too understood?

When's the last time you watched the beloved 1988 cinematic classic Willow?

how many times did you get stopped&frisked by NYPD cops while filming Delocated?

I love Upstream Color. I'd say it's a sci fi.The film leaves the viewer to make the connections - and that lack of explanation is a lot of what is so appealing

just get it outta the way early…


only real cowboys get farm fresh eggs

If it's porn - the RNC are coming after you

I don't even know anymore

I'm really not trying to debate you on what's good and bad (politically or morally). If based on my last post, you think I'm a Drumpf supporter - then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

leave Michael Palin out of this

I read the article and didn't get any sense that he's laying the blame on Fox News (or some left-wing media outlet) for all these issues, specifically

That sounds good in theory, but a game show centered entirely around trivia about the Guy Ritchie-directed cinematic hit Snatch would get a bit repetitive over time

The Mountain made Tommen stay in his room

toast has more of a backbone. Tommen's more of a jello bowl

I knew it was coming but I still couldn't help bursting out laughing

I'll have what she's having

Adam Scott once played a really shitty game of golf, they televised it, and it was STILL funny as heck!

Varys or Kevan would be pretty good bets. Yeah they should be on the list