Jonny Gossamer

Started it this week.  20 pages in.  Looking forward to the hi-jinks you mention, although I have been told by multiple people that it is worth sticking with.

Started it this week.  20 pages in.  Looking forward to the hi-jinks you mention, although I have been told by multiple people that it is worth sticking with.

I have bought this on blu-ray exclusively for La Luna.  Utterly stunning.

I have bought this on blu-ray exclusively for La Luna.  Utterly stunning.

They've discussed it on the show before, they see it as a comedy podcast loosely based around a bad movie.  I have no problem with them not going into great detail about the movie, especially as 99% of the time, I'm never going to see it, so I'm perfectly happy for them to hit a few key scenes and leave it at that. 

They've discussed it on the show before, they see it as a comedy podcast loosely based around a bad movie.  I have no problem with them not going into great detail about the movie, especially as 99% of the time, I'm never going to see it, so I'm perfectly happy for them to hit a few key scenes and leave it at that. 

I really just want to see the Topher Grace edit of the prequels into a single cohesive movie, which he only showed to a closed party but was apparently very good.

I really just want to see the Topher Grace edit of the prequels into a single cohesive movie, which he only showed to a closed party but was apparently very good.

Second time through is very rewarding.  There are so many extra details which I picked up on after the second (and third) read through which I'd missed on the first go which made it even better and cemented it as my favourite series of Jasper Fforde's thurs far.

Second time through is very rewarding.  There are so many extra details which I picked up on after the second (and third) read through which I'd missed on the first go which made it even better and cemented it as my favourite series of Jasper Fforde's thurs far.

It's "Thursday Next".

It's "Thursday Next".

The one that sticks with me in particular is

The one that sticks with me in particular is

I loved Skyfall, surprisingly violent and sweary for a Bond, but the pace kept up throughout and Bardem was brilliant.

I loved Skyfall, surprisingly violent and sweary for a Bond, but the pace kept up throughout and Bardem was brilliant.

The new MBMAM was glorious.  The goof on Ray Liotta and the non-CGI'd baby had me perform a real life spit-take.

The new MBMAM was glorious.  The goof on Ray Liotta and the non-CGI'd baby had me perform a real life spit-take.

Oh, and yes, I'm at work and I currently have two live-text updates going and am dipping in and out of video feeds at my leisure.  A nice luxury.  Looking forward to the gymnastics this afternoon to see out my final half-hour in the office.

Oh, and yes, I'm at work and I currently have two live-text updates going and am dipping in and out of video feeds at my leisure.  A nice luxury.  Looking forward to the gymnastics this afternoon to see out my final half-hour in the office.