Jonny Gossamer

The BBC coverage has been great so far, the women's road race yesterday was particularly exciting.  Slightly odd on the extra HD channels that they leave the camera running with a somewhat eerie silence over the feed until they suddenly decide to start talking again later on.  I know they can't have inane chatter

The BBC coverage has been great so far, the women's road race yesterday was particularly exciting.  Slightly odd on the extra HD channels that they leave the camera running with a somewhat eerie silence over the feed until they suddenly decide to start talking again later on.  I know they can't have inane chatter

Post-rock is an excellent choice, instead of wistful though, I'd go for Yndi Halda.  Their music makes me feel like an infinitely powerful Norse God, and dammit I want to feel like that all the time.

Post-rock is an excellent choice, instead of wistful though, I'd go for Yndi Halda.  Their music makes me feel like an infinitely powerful Norse God, and dammit I want to feel like that all the time.

The story about his manly brother hunting the deer and winging it was absolutely phenomenal.  Love this podcast, used to be annoyed by the infrequency, now it's just a nice surprise when it does start downloading.

The story about his manly brother hunting the deer and winging it was absolutely phenomenal.  Love this podcast, used to be annoyed by the infrequency, now it's just a nice surprise when it does start downloading.

If you didn't see Dan dressed as a sexy/terrifying Santa this week on the Daily Show, you missed out.  It was horrifyingly erotic (spookily good-bad).

If you didn't see Dan dressed as a sexy/terrifying Santa this week on the Daily Show, you missed out.  It was horrifyingly erotic (spookily good-bad).

The plum jokes were magnificent in the most recent episode.  Well done Mr McCoy.

The plum jokes were magnificent in the most recent episode.  Well done Mr McCoy.



The rating for Spinal Tap on IMDB is out of 11.  It pleased me inordinately.

The rating for Spinal Tap on IMDB is out of 11.  It pleased me inordinately.

You taste like a burger.

You taste like a burger.

The "prostitute in a wood chipper" line was my favourite of the week, perfect amount of dark coming from the evil oil guy.  Delivered sotto voce just makes it even better.

The "prostitute in a wood chipper" line was my favourite of the week, perfect amount of dark coming from the evil oil guy.  Delivered sotto voce just makes it even better.

No idea why it didn't air this season in  the US, but I'm glad E4 put it on, another consistently excellent episode.

The Flop House.  New York based bad movie podcast with two writers for the Daily Show.  It is phenomenal, recommended starting point either "I Know Who Killed Me", "Old Dogs" or "Bratz".