Jonny Gossamer

If you're on the lookout for any more, I strongly recommend the Football Ramble.

It is on itunes, but for some reason, you have to search the Dana Gould Hour rather than just 'Dana Gould'.

Words sound like other words!

Might Ducks 3.   The first two made me learn how to skate with the intention of playing hockey (even though I live in the UK).  The 3rd was atrocious, no Bombay, no evil Iceland, and the team have gone from world junior champions to not even making the team at their college.  I never did learn how to play hockey.

I feel that if they'd released the Green Album and then stopped, the legacy wouldn't be as tarnished, there were a few decent songs on there.  Everything after has simply served to turn them into a joke.

I've just been rewatching season 2 in preparation for the season 3 premiere tonight, and this is my favourite episode of any they've ever done.  The final montage set to Mew's Comforting Sounds is absolutely perfect, and got me a little misty-eyed.

It just leaves the door open for the cute, ditzy girl at the marshals' office from approximately 2 scenes in season one who still has my heart.

Secret fireman calendar tearaway was my moment of the episode.  I love this show.

You have excellent taste.

I adore the News Quiz, Toksvig is a national treasure and Jeremy Hardy is brilliant.  I am however finding it harder and harder to bother listening to the Now Show, the songs are starting to ruin it for me.

Sometimes I listen to HDTGM and really enjoy it, but other times it just seems too unstructured and without any real insight or jokes, rather just saying "remember this bit of a terrible movie".  I think it may just depend on the guest.  I always post about it, but my personal favourite bad movie podcast is The Flop

Game 6 was so ridiculous that it even got reported here in England even though I'd guess about 99.9% of the population couldn't care less.  As a fan, I was blown away, absolutely magnificent drama.

The most recent episode of the Flop House on Country Strong was outstanding.  The discussion about Darth Vader - King of Space is particularly brilliant.

You fail to mention that The Armoire is possibly the best song he's ever written.  Exquisitely beautiful.

I saw this recently on a plane, it was ok, nothing more, nothing less.


I haven't seen this movie since I saw it in the theatre, but that scene has stayed with me more than any other. The brutality is burned into my brain.

Shut up you mentalist!

They've been incredible in recent weeks, the 'Fuck Youlogy" for OBL was particularly special.

I had a cat once, I dropped a sofa on it. It was a write-off, so I stood on its head.