Jonny Gossamer

If the UK Office isn't at least an A on every single episode. it'll be an absolute travesty. A truly flawless show.

I think it's becoming a show that might be difficult to dip into what with their expanding glossary (corndoggin') and continuing hate diatribes against the Hobotang and Crickets, but it's worth the investment in your time.

April mouthing the words to the song at the side of the stage was excellent. Their relationship just works really well.

Greg Behrendt
If you liked Greg Behrendt on Never Not Funny, it's well worth listening to his podcast with Dave Anthony called 'Walking The Room'. Brutally honest, consistently hilarious, absolutely filthy.

This episode needed more slow-mo running.

It didn't go straight in the sea, it bounced off a rock first.
The series peaked with Michael discussing how he threw his pet monkey in the sea.

Throw in the ditzy assistant from one episode of seasone one, and we'll have ourselves a party.

Yay for P&R + Community. Less so for The Office. Dying with dignity is for the weak anyway.

I miss the ditzy, completely desperate assistant at his office with the glasses. She was great.

Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada is one of the greatest EPs I've ever heard, staggeringly perfect in every way. If you're trying to convert anyone to GY!BE, the climax of Moya is a perfect starting point.

When they're good, they're spectacular, but their albums are very hit and miss. I missed the swell of popularity for …Is A Real Boy so only got into it recently, but Alive with the glory and Admit It! are great songs. In Defense in my mind could have made a very solid 10 track album, but had far too much filler and

The action dog is the highlight of a movie which is constant highlights.