Len McCain

She actually does a short sit down interview segment on Inside Amy Schumer ("Amy Goes Deep") and they're generally kind of cute and interesting.

No, Olivia Munn is one of the better things on the show. He should apologize to Alison Pill for saddling her with that godawful character.

Yeah, the priest guy was a witch, and Abbie (and probably her sister based on the Linda Hamilton routine) would be more in the vein of warriors.

I am charmed by the notion you think the show isn't already shipping Abbie and Crane.  With lines like how their fates are intertwined and they're on this path…pause…together.

Ichabbie is already pretty much the official ship name on tumblr.

For me, I think the safe way to go is to consider this a complete alternate universe.

Actually "defecting", as in switching sides or abandoning your faction or cause goes back to the 1500's.

Not really far faster.  Like I noted above, you could use it for an hour a day, every day, for decades, and only age a couple extra years. 

Extra time to figure out how to defuse the bomb, extra time to catch the falling child, extra time to move the target out of the path of the sniper's bullet, extra time to get the injured person to the hospital, freeze time and walk past a pack of minions and punch the big boss in the face..the possibilities are

The time loss thing really isn't that big a deal.  You could use the power an hour a day, every day for 30 years and "lose" less than 2 years of peer time.  Stretched over that 30 years I can't imagine you'd even notice.

If I were doing Scarlet Witch on the big screen I'd basically treat her powers as a localized version of the Final Destination franchise, basically (aimed at her enemies, not her of course).

This episode features no narratively conflicting/revised flashbacks of the same incident.  Without that, it's not a Rashomon type story.  It's not "like" a Rashomon story.  It's not "in the vein" of a Rashomon story.  It's not Rashomon-esque.  It doesn't follow the Rashomon pattern.

This discussion is amazing me, because no one has mentioned the actual worst episode of Firefly:  The Message.  Featuring a terrible performance by the usually charismatic Jonathan Woodward, and an ending that relied on the most shamefully lazy and stupid narrative contrivance possible to produce a fake, unearned