
So many movies start with an interesting, complex situation and then decide it can be resolved by a hail of bullets by a guy who just fires faster than everybody else. LA Confidential is my classic example of that, but even The Matrix follows that pattern.

Two squandered third acts: The Matrix and LA Confidential
Both movies paint a complex disturbing world where there are no easy answers and force is useless. The piss-poor solution in the final act: shoot sh*t up with a lot of guns.

The Roth video of California Girls is perfect for the song, and I thank the AV Club for making me watch it again. It may be Dave's Magical Mystery Tour, but for him, that's a high peak to climb.

A few Spanish errors
I haven't listened to Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now since I've learned Spanish, but I can assure you that Strummer was probably trying to say Me debo ir o quedarme?" quedarse means "to stay". Also, querer, as in yo te quiero, should be translated "I love you" even if it also could mean "I want

Does U2 count?
I seem to recall that they almost broke up because they felt rock/punk conflicted with their religious leanings. Of course, I think this was before their first album, so it might not qualify as Rock/God/Rock, but this list is pretty slim at just 8 entries.