
Also, Keith is the adult. Not to say that he should outright lie to Veronica, but adults do occasionally hide things from their kids for good reasons.

I fucking loved this episode. My bar for enjoying an episode goes waaaay down if it's holiday themed (exception: Glee, which after reading the review I am not going near with a 10 foot pole) but I laughed out loud several times. Good enough for me, yo.

oh come on, the quick Chris and REagan discussion on Kevin's ex should bump this up at least half a letter grade.

this is literally the best review ever.

YES GET ON THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW. also the Veronica Mars episode with the Echolls Christmas!

I loved it. Why don't more people watch this show?

I would also like more info on what the fuck the actual real estate thing meant as connected to the Big Bad. Please? Please?


Exactly, Amy can really fucking act. And I may have said OH MY GOD AAAHHHHHHHHHH when she and Ben kissed. The dog was…startled.

Obviously its all about cards. I suggest BS and Egyptian Ratscrew.

Twilight is ACTUALLY harmful, though, because it is laden with such incredibly dangerous messages.

ah, male privilege. Nice to see you alive and well!

we need to talk about kevin is one of my all time favorite books. so glad to hear the movie version won't suck.

Dear Modern Family:
You've done some great eps. Really. But you need to cut the shit with the rape jokes. Phil's "we're the only ones who are allowed to touch our wives when they don't want us to!" (paraphrased) PLUS Alex standing up for herself and basically being assaulted? What the fuck was that? Unacceptable.

I fucking hate that her name is Haddie. What the fuck is that supposed to be short for? Haddock? Who names their children Haddie and MAX, for gods sake? They don't go together AT ALL. 

so i dont want to watch the pilot unless i'll be able to watch it during the year—but i dont have a tv. is there a way to watch this online or thru itunes? i've had a problem with hbo/showtime before…

this is the best takedown of a show i've ever seen. kudos, Todd.
and Lopez looks like a fucking moron.

I went into a blockbusters once and asked for Slaughterhouse Five. The guy gave it some thought, then said "nah, we don't have any of them."

thankfully, you always have politics and prose, which is among the best bookstores in the country.

So I fucking loved these books. Both of them. Quinten whines a bit too much—okay a LOT too much—and maybe I'm just not as awesomely critical as y'all (I mean that in a good way, I swear!) but I liked them both. I am also an unabashed Potter fan, so there's that. 
Seriously, though—I like Quinten. I know. It's weird.