
party down
seriously, how many VM folks can one show have? Dick, Logan, Keith…did I see the Beavs in there somewhere?
Meanwhile, so much win in ECholls. The last bit, with the slow-mo stabbing and the singing, Logan and Duncan's matching boxers, Veronica's glee at unmasking the poker thief…

I too am puzzled by the Lilly hate (it's two L's, btw). I find Lilly to be charming, energetic and fun. Yes, she had lots of secrets but so what? She was what, 16 or 17 when she died? What girl that age doesn't have secrets? If you look at Lilly in the prom flashback, especially, she is just so full of life, and she

such a great show
VM's first season might be the finest season of television ever produced. Just you wait til you hit the finale. It will blow.your.mind—although possibly not as not as much as the penultimate ep. And while seasons 2 and 3 are not QUITE as epic, they are very good.