Kip the Dip

Lady Gaga, a talking dishrag, some horse-riding elves and a horny panda would like to have a word with you.

I've always associated Frank Grimes in my mind with the For Dummies Guy. The first computer I ever owned was a 1992 Macintosh, and the first …for Dummies book I ever read was Macs for Dummies (2nd Edition), which I absolutely read religiously.

That's what I was thinking. It's not like Lisa has had 23 birthdays since that one. They were the same age when Michael Jackson was at the height of his career as they are 5 years after his death and Pharrell was driven out of town on a horse for singing Happy.
This is completely separate from that episode's own

She voiced Mrs. Winfield in 'Bart's Dog Gets an F'.

I bought my sister this shirt for Christmas. She also happened to get me a shirt with a Grinch on it that I've vowed to wear 'ironically' at indefinite points during the rest of the year, since the Rastafari shirt she got me last year has faded a bit.

Hey! Next month, the potato chip gag will be old enough to buy alcohol.

Holy fucking shit, I've never realized it from that angle before. We all know Kang and Kodos are generally pushed outside or to the fringes of official canon, but I've always liked to think that they do exist as beings within normal canon with the main characters not being aware of their existence. When you see Homer

The Devil you say! What fresh apostasy is this?

So the Simpsons have forgotten all this happened, but, oh, what horror awaits for them when Marge takes a shower and finds a hand on her head!

Yeah, but those people who hated on it back in the '90s were total nerds!

Except he confessed on Taxicab Conversations that he hated disco, but in a fairy recent episode a power failure at the disco club where he's dancing alone makes him put a gun to his head. Even minor one-note joke characters aren't sacred!

An episode centered around Kramer finding out he's an alien, contacts his people, and then gets kidnapped by government agent Jeffrey Tambor. Imagen if sienfeld was muppets in space.

I suppose this applies to The Simpsons as well. Stripped down, it's the cast of The Tracy Ullman Show voicing characters based on scribbles from Matt Groening's notepad with a lot of potential. Only said potential is retroactive.

Except it was another animated show with the premise family, just not the traditional nuclear family. It wasn't a sitcom about a wwaaacky family, it was about a 'wacky' family!

I recall he also defended Allen Gregory while giving Bob's Burgers a very solid "meh". You say rat, I say free thinker.

Imagine what a treat this clock is for synesthetes. Oh, to taste time itself. 86,400 Baskin-Robbins flavors, one every second!

Blecch! Ew! Sheesh! I'll take a crab juice.

I've always thought Netflix was for tools, since you can find a pirated copy of any show and movie you want and pay nothing. However, damn it, they keep doing cool stuff.

That's ignorant!