Kip the Dip

They'll surely do a reunion episode in the show's 1,026th season when he wakes up.

It's Primer with belching robots and nudity.

There actually are some Life in Hell rabbits seen when the rest of the rabbits are stealing the Statue of Liberty's head. Bongo, the one-eared rabbit, writes on a wall "CROSSOVERS ARE HELL".

A holosaxomaphonor!

What I always found funny was that, unlike almost every other animated sitcom, Futurama never needed any kind of sliding timeline to keep up with reality. And yet they would always unnecessarily progress to match the current date + 1,000 years. Even this episode had a calendar at Planet Express reading 3014.

Now we just need Kang and Kodos to introduce Roger to Bender and let the comedy write itself.

*drops sandwich*

After is what's lame. I don't see how this is even debatable.

Yvan eht Nioj.
Yvan eht Nioj.

As someone pointed out in a previous AV Club thread, that's the geek equivalent of menopause.

Here ya go: https://vid.me/VFj

Oh God, after I saw the Tracy Ullman Simpsons buried under the house in 'Adventures in Baby Getting', I dreamt about it. That's how much it sent a shiver up my soul's spine.

They find out Walt Whitman himself is a frankendroid. Calling it.

"The Rani" was the theory that jumped out at me as well, but I honestly believe it's something different and new.

When the Doctor saw the android leader and announced, "Captain, my captain." my mind immediately jumped to Robin Williams, and then it wandered off to Bicentennial Man, the movie where he played an android who slowly adopts artificial human parts over 200 years until he's legally a human being, grows old and dies.

Oh God, I can already envision the 'Missy is River Song' theory flooding in before my eyes. Urge to kill…rising.

Family Guy di- nah, I'm not that heartless.