Kip the Dip

Cool. Cool cool cool.

Now all he needs to do is release that Christmas album and we'll be square.

Same. That's all I want. Closure. Just a nice ending and then we can move on forever and let this show simply live on in our memories. Even Arrested Development had proper closure.

There is no God.

Oh my God, David Duke's Twitter account is less racist than this show. I actually feel guilty for not watching The Cleveland Show now that poor Cleveland has been placed back in this environment. At least the racist hillbilly Lester kept his mouth shut.

The rage that ensues when one realizes that the entire lives of both Arrested Development and Community have existed within Two and a Half Bullshits' run.

I feel ya, man. My 9-year-old nephew is on a total Lego binge right now, and I promised I'd download this Simpsons episode and we'd watch it together this weekend. (It's the least I can do, considering his mom won't let him watching any of the Star Wars Lego movies because they're probably "too scary".) I can already

You know, when I first heard of The Lego Movie, my eyes involuntarily rolled. But then, whaddaya know, it gets 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. However, I think I had about the opposite reaction when I heard about this Simpsons episode, with optimism that was ultimately met. Yes, it was corny, a total gimmick, and it followed


I fully expected a play on the word "plutocracy" or "plutocrats" at some point, yet it never occured. I don't know if it was a missed opportunity or subverted expectations for the guy to curse "the rich Plutonians." NO, THAT DOESN'T COUNT.

I thought Rick Potion #9 was a defining episode for Rick and Morty when comparing it to Futurama. The Late Philip J. Fry had practically the exact same twisted ending, completely disregarding the previous established reality and burying the bodies, but that episode won an Emmy due to the emotion in the story.

Okay, I concede, that's pretty funny. The thing is, they throw so much shock humor against the wall these days, it all comes off as white noise.

Oh yeah, I remember another joke I kind of liked. It was Cleveland acting out the opening of Amen. I used to watch reruns of that show as a kid on some local station early every morning before the sun even came up. Long before I saw an episode of The Jeffersons, I knew Sherman Hemsley as "that guy from Amen."

If there was one joke I chuckled at, it was Peter giving God's bald head a noogie, God freaking out and Death explaining that God is mildly autistic.

Rachel MacFarlane not only voiced the oversexed girlfriend of a character voiced by Seth MacFarlane, but she made him have sex with his transgendered father, who ends up becoming pregnant.

Better yet, can we get a new season of The Critic?


It's no American Dad!