
Flash-ogram is the new Buffy-bot.


At least I got to sing "Angelicaaaaa!" when Geneva showed up.

Between them and White Josh & Daryl on Crazy Ex Girlfriend, I find myself actually understanding the 'shipping culture.

Thank you for transcribing that! I missed half of them and forgot to go back and listen again. Headed there now…

Damn, Alison Wright is fucking amazing. She should have a truckload of awards.

"Crazy Ex Boyfriend" totally popped into my head too!

My thoughts exactly. Why would someone who has been since been portrayed as extremely competent leave a cryptic message and then go confront a dangerous situation alone?

Andrea Savage. Great comedic actress, she's on the Hotwives parodies on Hulu.

Excited for Andrea Savage next season!

I knew I was going to miss Bobbi, but even I'm surprised at how much. At least Joey's back next week.

Has anyone else been watching Trixie and Katya's show on Youtube? The last episode had me dying. Really solidifies that Trixie is a great comedian and never got to show it on RPDR.

I don't follow these comics…was Pied Piper's dinner with someone special some reference? It seemed weirdly out of place. Or did his origin here have to do with him hating his parents?

Anyone else notice that it looked like Kim Chi was walking better in those boots? Naomi's probably giving her lessons.

If the spin-off can be that entertaining, by all means send May there and let the parent show drift off on the ice floe. Also, can't it just be called Mockingbird? They still haven't called her that on this show, so maybe they're planning her origin for the first season?

Not to ignite a dress-color debate or anything but…is Kara blonde? They refer to her as blonde but her hair looks pretty brunette to me.

Is it making anyone else nuts the way their cop buddy says "ambulance" like "ambuLANCE?" Is that a regionalism I've just never heard before?

Okay, so this is an out-there idea but…is there any way that Martha has started playing Philip? Something about the way she was encouraging him to tell her everything in that scene, Elizabeth telling Paige that the first step to getting a source was making them trust you…it just made me think for a second that

I feel like the show is getting dinged for not being something that it isn't trying to be. Sure, it's loosely based on Dan Savage's life. Sure, there was outrage because all the usual reasons. It's still on ABC and they're grooming it for the 8 or 8:30 hour. It's not going to look or sound like it should be on FX

Not that Rafael needs help in the looks department, but scruffy Rafael was…very special.