
How about a Zoe Lister-Jones/Becki Newton buddy comedy? I'd watch the hell out of that.

Yes! Also, I just finished my re-listen and I forgot all about "Hello In There." I need to go call my parents immediately.

I haven't listened to this record in so long! Going to go and remedy that immediately. Incidentally, I adore her version of I Shall Be Released.

Classic Mockingbird has no powers. In recent comics, she's been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, so she's physically on par with Captain America. Personally, I prefer her with no powers…when she takes out a powered opponent, it makes her that much more of a bad-ass.

Bleached hair. Pale. History in genre television.

It's gotta be even money at this point that James Marsters will be cast as a zombie at some point in this show's run, right?

Fair enough!

So, so true! He'd be a great addition. I wonder if they'll super-power her up for the series.

In regards to the spin-off…I really hope they don't make it another spy show. Have Bobbi completely lose faith in SHIELD, drop out of government service and go vigilante. Lean into the super-heroine aspect and away from the spy side. Fewer guns, more stick-fighting. Air it at 10 pm, so it can actually have some

It's also airing I believe Saturday night, which is cold comfort at best. Damn Yankees.

The American version of Coupling? Eastwick? I think 90210?

The physical comedy with the ping-pong was good, but did anyone else watch Allison Janney give a master class in physical comedy on Mom last night? That show is so odd in tone, but she makes me bust up almost every episode.

As another gay guy, I totally agree with you.

Why would you hire Stephen Amell and put him in a mask? Seems counter-intuitive.

Since she was mentioned in the stray comments…is anyone else upset every time Keiko Agena's commercial comes on? Why does she not have a better gig? Layne Kim, people!! Get it together, Hollywood!

That was an extremely happy moment for me.

That would kind of jive with the comics. Back before half of the Avengers were SHIELD agents, she was the original and she always had strong ties to Fury.

The most exciting part for me was the preview for next week. I don't know if it's possible for the Bobbi/May showdown to live up to my hopes for it, but man I'm excited to see those two go at it.

And she has some guns on her. There's a moment in Untucked where she flexes for a second and her arms look ripped as hell.

So…Katya in drag looks exactly like Jane Kaczmarek, right? Am I the only one who can't un-see this?