
best typo ever? "Vulvan mind meld"

best typo ever? "Vulvan mind meld"

failed firstie! oh well. here was my back up:
Wasn't Meat Loaf's first acting job as an Eddie, too?

The first Kutner's the deepest, after all.

yep— oscar's reaction was priceless!

Logoboros— you are completely right, and i apologize for saying the same thing you said after you— i definitely need to read all comments before posting!

mickey's giggle
the episode was saved by the little mickey laugh every time he said something— i laughed every time he did

thanks amelie
good recap— the show is much funnier when i imagine how you're going to rip on tyra and the gang later

thanks for this link!

I noticed that two, FortyTwo— silly models!

it's spelled Caesar
Amelie, please fix this misspelling! Coincidentally, I just told my Roman History students today not to misspell Caesar. :D

Tatiana's accent
I'd noticed her playing up her accent a couple of weeks ago after Hollywood week, and it seemed a really planned thing to get her votes now that America was deciding— I'm glad she got called on it tonight!

Adeola's job
"What if he was sending her back to a life of sexual slavery or something?"

Song of the South typos
"while the stuff, high-handed whites in his area act like emancipation never happened"

Pandemic 2: The Startling…Conclusion
I'm sure no one will read this b/c it's at the bottom of the comments, but besides Randy's "I'm so startled," The title is such b/c in the TV info it says Pandemic 2: The Startling. Conclusion. Then there's a description of the episode. That's just funny right there.

Clark's fake hug
Did anyone else catch the awesome moment in the obligatory group hug of Isis at the end? Clark was standing at the back of the group and half-heartedly put one arm on the girl next to her— that's what I'll miss about Isis, the bitchiness in the house she inspired.

Did anyone else think it was strange that there is a piano in a lecture hall in a teaching hospital?