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    I loved this ep. 2nd best of the season after Bobby in a coma. Kept me on the edge of my seat and worried about the characters. The Charger was rocking, although when they hit the uncomfortable silence on the trip to Sam, where was the classic rock station Dean can always find? Maybe some Skynyrd? That smell? All

    I think the Sam and Dean "heart to hearts" work on a family level. I mean, they are not only brothers, they are basically married in a non-sexual sense. Annoying the fuck out of you is what family is for, isn't it? They know all your tricks and habits. They know when a drunk strays into alcoholic territory. Besides,

    For me it is Peaches en Regalia. Even thought it is an instrumental I still find myself trying to "sing" it all the time.

    I gotta second the love for Desolation Row. If it wasn't for the snarling, howling demon singing Like a Rolling Stone on Live '66 it would be my favorite. Play fuckin' loud!

    I get how people can have a hard time getting past Bob's voice, lots of my friends have the same complaint. I really don't like many covers of his songs besides Watchtower though. Especially by "talented" singers. The rough edges of his voice are one of the things that affect me the most. But what do I know, I am