
Thank you.

Thank you.

Trouty is actually a family name.


I love this show

Meh, I'd hit it, but I don't know if I'll watch it.

I read Leonard Pierce's review of it… He liked it a lot.

But what does Black Bolt think?

The Chairman of WCW!

Not with that attitude!

Brother of Menelaus?

She had Them Thangs, that's for sure

But what team scored the most Football Points?

For some reason whenever "Barracuda" is invoked on a sitcom it is hilarious to me.  It happens more often than you think.

I just read Leonard Pierce's review of next week's episode… you won't believe how it ends.

"You will go on a journey, happy long time." "Matthew is a moron." "No
I'm not." "Yes you are." "No I'm not infinity." "Yes you are infinity
plus one." And this one, "I have doobie in my funk," which I assume is
some sort of reference to the Parliament Funkadelic song, "Chocolate
City." Uh, "You got peanut butter in

Upright Citizens Brigade, anyone?

He should have done "Wonderful Christmastime" with Nirvana and "Cut Me Some Slack" with the children's choir.  THAT would have been good TV.

He should have done "Wonderful Christmastime" with Nirvana and "Cut Me Some Slack" with the children's choir.  THAT would have been good TV.

Apparently I have also been mispronouncing "quinoa".