
Thank you, no.

I think I've been to a McDonald's in every country I've visited except Guatemala. I don't even want to - I just get curious. Swiss McDonald's was the only time I realized what I was doing and left before ordering.

Once we've broken through the clouds I inevitably feel like hearing "Burning Airlines Give You So Much More." "Fall on Me" for final descent. Anything in between.

Oh… oh god. Well I heard it, and now I'm going to go scrub my brain with the Muppet Family Christmas soundtrack. All day, if that's what it takes to get those creepy fucking kids out of my head.

I don't know if anyone else's anatomy labs did this, but ours had signs labeling each person with their first name, age and former profession. It was supposed to keep us respectful (and keep us from naming our cadavers), but the sight of "Bob, 56, Plumber" next to nearly-skeletal "Mary, 74, Homemaker" is going to

I once worked as seasonal help at Toys 'R' Us, and the worst part of the entire experience was the frequency of "Wonderful Christmastime." I don't know what "The Christmas Shoes" is either and I'm afraid to look it up.

Oh god, yeah. I found and read the first part of that on the internet a few months ago (also in bed), and thinking about it may have just killed my chances of getting to sleep in the next hour.

Harold was probably the third thing I thought of as far as books that legitimately freaked me out. It was mostly the pictures for me too, although I still remember exactly how that story ended. And I have to second Pet Sematary, but the book much more than the movie. I read that when I was 13 and was spooked for

Grampy - ever played Animal Crossing?

I do the same thing, every single time.

Oh yeah, and lots of Star Trek. Particularly if I'm not sure if I want to sleep or not.

Well, this is timely
I just came down with strep yesterday, so I'm in the middle of a sick-media marathon. I tend toward movies I've seen millions of times and not a lot of TV aside from cartoons, Conan and MST3K, but I never watch that much anyway. Thus far I've seen The Empire Strikes Back, Shaun of the Dead, The

… wouldn't that mean Ringo was declared best Beatles girlfriend?

A gorilla dick's only about 1 1/2 inches long, so you might not even need the butter.

Me too, Rex. That and the Lauper video, but I loved the Super Show. I'm really surprised it didn't get a mention here.

I saw "Luck of the Irish" at four in the morning my last finals week of college and finally decided to look up exactly who he was. (I recognized him from at least three different things right away.) I'm glad I did, even if I do still get warring Laugh-In/Klopek/leprechaun thoughts every time I see him.

The "I lost a brother once" line always bugged me. Kirk apparently forgot he did once find his actual brother dead on the floor.

This is more of a buzzkill for me than any of the recent buzzkills. The advertising for this is going to drive me up the wall.