
Figure this as good a place as any to ask: I haven't seen the first two seasons of Justified, but now I have FX. Should I hold off until I've seen what's come before or would I be okay to jump right in tonight?

After a long time not playing video/computer games, I played Portal and loved it; also started playing The Witcher and Dragon Age: Origins, but haven't finished either, 'cause I get distracted, but enjoy both of them.

Yeah, this episode was just really bad. No emotional resonance whatsoever, I never felt slightly on edge like the good episodes will cause. Really, once that hummer pulled up to the Feds' campsite, the twist was blown; it was a stupid twist to begin with, and then the whole episode was just boring.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus - Blitz the Ambassador. I hear tell you live in NYC, so you'll probably get a chance to see him live. Do it. Not only is he an amazing writer whose flow is unimpeachable (and occasionally slips into triple-time), he's nice enough to do a show in Iowa City, near enough to

I was hoping you guys would put out an obituary for Paul Motian. I guess he wasn't huge or anything, but he was an outstanding drummer, and played in one of the best trios (imho) there ever was with Bill Evans and the tragically short-lived Scott LaFaro. The level of chemistry between those three on their albums, and

Did everyone like Moby Dick, or is it generally just met with indifference? After about 20 chapters, I just couldn't do it any more. I might give it a try again, because I remember enjoying the chapters where stuff actually happens, as opposed to all the holding-forth on cetology. At any rate, my 16 year-old self

@Mike Oxmall: "The person who is "lucky" enough to discover torrenting TV shows is the person who will never then go out and pay money to purchase, rent, or Netflix these shows on DVD."