Just Another Day

I think it's probably a bit.

Anywhere else in the world I'd say it's important to stand up to them, but in America it seems like you'll just get shitkicked and shot. Probably by the cops. Hopefully the better folks in the country will figure out how best to help each other out in the face of that shit, I dunno. I'm sorry everything's so terrible.

Remember how we were all worried at the prospect, however remote, that Sarah Palin might end up in the Oval Office?

Is this a bit?

Lora, I know we've had our differences and can't say I'll ever approve of what you do, but I have to admit that you'd be a better pick for literally any of Trump's cabinet positions than literally any of the people he's apparently considering.

"It's been about fifteen years since I was last [on tour] — I was 60 years old, just a kid with a crazy dream. Since then I’ve taken a lot of Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Ritalin, Focalin, … I’ve also studied deeply in the philosophies and religions, but cheerfulness kept breaking through."

"It's been about fifteen years since I was last [on tour] — I was 60 years old, just a kid with a crazy dream. Since then I’ve taken a lot of Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Ritalin, Focalin, … I’ve also studied deeply in the philosophies and religions, but cheerfulness kept breaking through."

"It's been about fifteen years since I was last [on tour] — I was 60 years old, just a kid with a crazy dream. Since then I’ve taken a lot of Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Ritalin, Focalin, … I’ve also studied deeply in the philosophies and religions, but cheerfulness kept breaking through."

"It's been about fifteen years since I was last [on tour] — I was 60 years old, just a kid with a crazy dream. Since then I’ve taken a lot of Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Ritalin, Focalin, … I’ve also studied deeply in the philosophies and religions, but cheerfulness kept breaking through."

To my view it's been brewing since they met. That's maybe not that long but it definitely didn't feel rushed to me.

Going to chime in as well to say that it's very common not to figure this stuff out until well into adulthood. Sexuality is complicated, relationships are difficult, being unhappy isn't unusual, and heteronormativity is a hell of a drug.

I read Maggie's expression through Alex's whole final monologue as "I've heard this exact speech about a hundred times, babe, but I know it's important to you so I'm going to let you fumble your way through it."

But what that's reflecting is a gap (maybe/hopefully) between the polls and what early-voting numbers are telling us. 538 is a polling aggregator and doesn't incorporate early voting. And while there might be adjustments to make to future models based on the lessons of this election cycle, I generally wouldn't

The end times are definitely nigh.

No, didn't you hear? Reddit exploded. Tragic. -ish. I bet their mothers loved them anyhow.

That's my go-to example too! What a fucking disaster. I watched it weekly for years of my childhood.

Reddit City had it coming, building over such an enormous deposit of pent-up adolescent outrage. The fools.

Does it? I must've missed that. Certainly it doesn't seem conceptually like there should be any limit. Earth-47, then. Not the last, just stuck up in the nosebleeds somewhere.

Other than averting the literal apocalypse, my most heartfelt desire (as a Canadian) from this election is that Pat Toomey loses. Fuck that guy.

The one where there's a Central City with the Flash running around solving problems by flapping his arms really fast. We're probably like Earth-126, the one where we watch a weekly television show that eerily depicts what's actually happening on Earth-1.