Linear A

E. Nesbitt FUCK YES. Edward Eager and T. H. White likewise. L. Frank Baum always has a very special place in my heart. (Though yes, it is hard to forgive him the racist shit in Patchwork Girl of Oz.)

yes yes yes yes yes
I've been saying since the show started: everything is based on the subtexually lesbian relationship between Blair and Serena. (Kind of like the reported code of old pulp novels, where a brunette and a blonde on the same cover meant gay girl action inside.) A friend of mine (in a better position

I agree — Dreamchild is a great take on the subject, and Ian Holm is fantastic. The movie's unfortunately burdened with that "next generation" romance plot, which seems to be there just to push the movie out to feature length. That sub-plot aside, the movie is beautiful and touching.

Yes, and the comparative travel times to the bay area and Los Angeles also indicate that Sunnydale is somewhere in Santa Barbara county. Plus, there's the presence of a UC, a beach, hills, and all the goddamn white plaster/red tile buildings the set scouts could muster, apparently — some of them actually in SB.

My father used to bring me print-outs of a usenet group devoted to Wodehouse when I was judged too young to have a computer. Everybody had pseudonyms ("noms de Plum") and hardly anybody threw bread rolls. (I'm pretty sure the internet has never been politer. Pretty hard cheese when I got older and

I'm pretty sure Saki's Reginald is some close kin to Wodehouse's R. Psmith.

But what about the songs?
This review is missing some crucial information: how many songs are there? Are they all accompanied by large-scale dance numbers? Is the music any good? I don't go to these movies for the plot, myself.

Please do blog. Where else can I press my theories about the homoerotics of the Blari-Serena relationship on the wider world?

I suppose what I'm saying is that he is extra-specially against genocide now that he's committed it several times over, and extra-specially against soldiers and soldierly paraphernalia like guns now that he's fought in a war. Transference of guilt and all that.

Well, in all fairness, it has been a long time since he was Pertwee, and in the meantime he has seen a large chunk of the universe as he knew it destroyed in a war. And the excessive passion I would think comes from his usual tendency to wildly overcompensate with rage when faced with people committing the same sins

All other considerations aside, it seems to me that the very haste of the process causes some suppression of votes. I worked in an election office (in California) at the primary, dealing with absentee ballots. Because they're mailed in often well in advance of election night, there is plenty of time to research

Parallel Homosocial Bonds
Why Blair is so concerned about Serena getting hurt: is it not clear that Blair is just as in love with Serena as Chuck is with Nate, if not more? I'd like to give this show a lot of points for doing sexual tension between women better than a hundred shows with sweeps-week "lesbian" kisses.

Nothing has been as simultaneously hilarious and infuriating as the declaration in the LA Times opinion section that the American right had found its great intellectual and cultural representative in David Mamet. No matter what he says, he's always been a reactionary conservative, and no matter what anyone says, he's