
That Cary & Kalinda can't be near each other is the greatest excuse yet for K & Alicia's not being near each other. What's weird is that Alicia is hardly around anyone anymore except for Eli, Johnny (love David Pasquale), & Finn.

And sorry if someone mentioned this—or asked about this—but I could have sworn that Focus Group Lady was in season one's "Doubt" as a juror.

Interesting, Dee. Thanks. I really should have made clear, though, that I'm not out for dirt so much as interested in getting people to stop blaming the writers for the poor Kalinda material. "They can't figure out what to do with her" & so forth. I wouldn't know what to do with her if I couldn't ever have her

Imagine an intentional choice to have, say, Cary & Diane not appear in the same frame for two years. Again, this "writers' decision" has really diminished the show. Catfights bore me, but so does weak TV. Those early seasons had fantastic stuff between Kalinda & Alicia.

To whom? The people who made Kalinda & TGW less fun to watch? The show has really suffered because of what happened off-screen. That's all.

I'd settle for one sentence's worth of truth. I'm tired of hearing a lot of nonsense about how the "characters aren't friends." Does TGW team think we're that dumb? ("Oh, has it been two years since they've shared a scene? We hadn't kept track." —R. King)

There's an amusing chronicle of Kalinda & Alicia's relationship, but, as far as I know, no journalism on what happened behind the scenes. Supposedly a reporter once asked, and the Kings answered off the record. There's something there, to be sure.

They've said he's not with his wife anymore. Officially separated or divorced, I forget which.

Or maybe the producer named Julianna Margulies ensured that others got bad at writing her. Forget the violent death of Will Gardner: the truth about What Happened w/ JM & Archie Panjabi is The Good Wife's best-kept secret. Can no reporter find out? Or are journalists now mainly interested in saying whatever the

Agreed. And anything with Christine Baranski is interesting.

Well, the pilot was shot in Vancouver, and the regular series is based in NYC. But you're right: it was meant to look exactly like what we saw after Peter's press conference.

Also real life: the person with whom you didn't make up still exists, and you run into her. Maybe when she's in the company of, say, Diane Lockhart.

If TGW makeup artist wants me to look at the women's eyeshadow/liner, not their eyes, s/he is succeeding.

And FAL can still solve some interesting cases. Maybe with Robyn's help. (Please?) The show used to be so good at that.

I already miss all the quiet, searing moments that happened in an office that allowed them to. The F/A digs are nightmarish to me, and I don't just mean last night.

If "it" is the two actresses never being in the same FRAME together (never mind scene), it is in no way justifiable story wise. The characters could despise each other and still be in the same courtroom at the same time. Think of all the enemies on the show and how often they cross paths—or are at least in the same