The Saint

I hope he smacked her. Hard.
That shit is inexcusable.

Yes. I know, Hamlet is a little cliche, but come on.
It's fucking Hamlet. It's a masterpiece for a reason.

You are just spot on with all of these.
Jaws and Jurassic Park were immediate purchases with every video playing format. I think I even have them on HDDVD somewhere.
Clue was the go-to film for every adolescent sleepover at my house. I can't remember how many times I made my mom drive me to the Blockbuster so I could

Pairesta, I've been known to make a Sazerac with any absinthe or similarly flavored alcohol on hand; it's the Peychaud's Bitters that's important. No substitutions. I don't know if Herbsaint is cheaper than the other alcohols you have tried, but it might do to check if you grow fond of the drink.

I don't think I can count how many times I have seen Cool Runnings. That was the movie we would watch in class during lunch if it was raining outside, or if we had a particularly lazy Substitute teacher. I guess because it was kid-friendly?

I can forgive any of the sins committed by season four. this is only because because "Everybody Comes to Hank's", is in my opinion, one of the best episodes of television I have ever seen.

Usually We get pretty wild down here in New Orleans, but with Mardi Gras just having ended, most of us weren't up to going out again.
The parade is fun though, they throw cabbages and potatoes at you!

seconding Internet At Work and Marah's love for Jenny. I read the interview linked in the article and I was surprised at how intelligent she seems. At least one of these people will have something to fall back on when this whole Jersey shore thing is over.


I'm going to second your girlfriend on that, Provolone. I can totally see 15 year old me having a shirtless poster of him on my wall, but my tasted have definitely changed with age.
That being said, props to the guy for his abs. Those things are impressive.

Kate Beaton's wonder woman would have to be on IFC or something.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they let characters chain smoke on network television anymore, and that would obviously be a huge problem.

That sex scene looks like a Korean soap opera.