
I've seen this. It is utter crap. It's the most depressing action movie I've ever seen.

William T Goat- that is my all-time favorite Newman scene- he's singing "Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady" while driving and just before he gets to the "lady" part the front of his mail truck bursts into flames and he starts screaming.

Here's the deal- to borrow a delightful term a good friend of mine made up-she's a cunty bitch.

Every time you catch David Caruso staring at Justin Bieber's crotch and licking his frog-like lips, you hit the crackpipe.

That is just plain hysterical.

I H8 Hippie-bees
"a slightly tangential Jerry Garcia film is better than no Garcia film at all"

Who cares??!!
I just want to know where I can score a copy of that Big Butts book!!!

I always hated DiCaprio and thought he was an awful actor until I saw him in Shutter Island (wasn't bowled over by the movie but thought he gave a good performance.)

I think this is just FARKING great!!!

1- Ashton Kutcher

Me, too. Thought the Crazies was great. That pitchfork scene is pretty damn brutal, too. Great leads, too.

Gotta get on the Sobotka wagon for this one. That 2nd season was so incredible. But all the deaths on The Wire kicked my ass. I just can't imagine there ever being another show where I get so emotionally invested in the characters.

A homeless man committed suicide after seeing our bathroom!

I honestly don't see how these books could ever be turned into a film, series of films, or a tv show. The story is just too intricate, long, and difficult (and expensive) to film. I think this will keep being brought up as a project people would love to tackle but none of them will ever have the resources or the

" YourName
13 April 2010 | 11:36 PM CDT
Frogurt flashbacked to the island the moment he felt his hand."

…Bunk plays tromboner?

I just don't like QT's films much anymore. The dialogue in Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction felt so much more natural than in later films where it seems like he forces it in because it's his trademark. I thought Inglorious Basterds was good (even though I wanted the Dirty Dozen and got something

I've never watched it but V looks sucky. Did anyone notice that the other Lost replacement show- Happy Town or some such- has Tom in it? Another Lost veteran going to another crappy Lost-wannabe.

What joke …
…did the cameraman tell to get Teri Hatcher laughing so hard as she posed awkwardly on a gigantic armchair during the photoshoot?

Things seem pretty clearly explained now…
Sometimes I think people drive themselves a little nuts with half-baked theories. After last night I feel everything has been explained pretty clearly.