Sipsfrom A. Highball

I hate all of you.

Ooh! Navy SEALs!

Mine is just porn; you probably wouldn't be interested.

I think he should be fired…

Is this really the most productive use of FBI resources?


Don't Trust the Bee in Apartment 23

A harp from hell.

Mary Jo Pehl as Tasha Robinson


So… there's another, unrelated diddler in the mix?

You said there'd be fudgicles, naked man. Where's the fudgicles?

"it's okay to lie to a woman about everything about you, because she'll still marry you if you're rich."

If it's any consolation, Deep Blue Sea just got added to Netflix streaming.

Jordo saves readers from cynical website

The Nielsen ratings are and have always been bullshit. Even if you ignore the online viewing and Tivos, the sample is too small, non-random, and partly self-reported. It needs to be abolished.

I don't think Walt was just being an idiot. I mean, he was, and I'm sure he wouldn't have done it if he were sober, but I got the impression that he knew he was endangering himself and that was sort of what he wanted. I felt like this whole episode was about him trying to lead an exciting double life like he did in

…actually kind of adorable.

Smurfs Too (with Joe Pesci)

I haven't listened to the episode yet, but I just want to commend whoever is in charge of choosing the episode titles for this podcast.