
Pierce's boat = Childish Tycoon hehe, the second meta joke about Glover's departure.

What da fuck you mean izeedead!

Like NBC really needs more shows no ones gonna watch.

Making money smoking mics like crack pipes

Ive been a J-Zone fan for a long time, i had no idea he sold so little records till I read about this book a month ago. Its sad really the Boss Hog Barbarians album he did with Celph Titled is one of my favorites.

I blame Akon too, but not for any real reason, just because. There are plenty of rappers out there with something to say. Its more accurate to say "Pop" music hasnt had anything to "say" for a long time. The underground/Indy rap scene is filled with intelligent and talented artists. Three artist somewhat closer to the

I dont really find the Read Next box to be that intrusive. As for the the other ads and pop-ups everyone should invest in Mozilla and the Adblock Plus add-on. It eliminates every add and makes sites like this and IGN much more pleasant.

Your critique seems rather harsh deadsouls. I dont want to make any assumptions, but I'd be willing to put money down that you where one of the many "self-entitled assholes" flaming Martin for the gap in book releases. If AFFC and ADWD are unreadable to you, I liked to know what you find to be a good read. AFFC is the